I guess my list is basically the same as last year (and I can't understand why ct would go digging all the way back for this thread insted of just starting a new one, but, whatever...)
-Friends & family
-Music --- more specifically, METAL (and ct thrash for turning me into a metalhead

-The Internet because, like most utter social outcasts like m'self, it's where I've met the most... interesting people.
-This forum because it's a whole different world over here and I've partaken in some of the most amusing moments that I can recall within recent time here... flame wars, destroying the Cannibal Corpse board, and all of the times that threads about legitimate topics were hijacked and used for the chatting/bullshitting purposes of us.
-My total lack of self-esteem, because I think I turned out a better person for it than those around me.
-Society for teaching me just how little I matter.
-Religion, for giving me something to devote a lifetime of hatred to.
-Nice house and place to live
-TV shows that don't suck (CSI, Grimm&Evil, South Park and whatever good stand-up comedy I can find... and the History Channel)
-Time off of school.