what is everyone thankful for?

Originally posted by Chromatose

"The hell you are...."

why would you be thankful for your peewee, it only means that you play with it a lot. :guh:

I'm thankful for having the most wonderful creature on Earth for my life companion. I'm not thankful for the gift of life in general, and for being the way I am (unhealthy in several ways). :)
ct_thrash said:
here's my list:
1. family and friends and METAL(tie)
2. food
3. clothes
4. toilet
5. devilsticks
6. stereo
7. my parents genes(could be worse)
8. the post office
9. soap
10. tampons:)
my list this year remains the same except that i left my stereo in texas, so i don't have that to be thankful for...in its place will be...my hat! :lol:
and chrome ties into #1:p
btw this thread exhibits the true beginning of chromo-thrash heheheh




I AM the leafslaying basketeer. Fear me!!!

It's just a flesh wound...

Carnivorous Cheeses!!!

-Friends & Family
-The Internet
-The fact that I am still alive

Please note that by "Friends" I mean everyone here on this board. I love you all. (except you )


whoops.... that was meant to read (except you Guerilla, and I'm sure you prefer it that way)
oh yes and I am also thankful for...

-hot chocolate
-clean underwear
-calculators (what would I do without you trusty TI-83?)
-Chuck Schuldiner
-The Force
-this nifty Devin Townsend Hat I'm wearing
-Differential Calculus
-Black Metal
-Mountain Dew
-That I'm not gay