What is metal?


Jun 8, 2002
What makes a band metal?

I ask this because once you start listening to the instrumental part of a song, the word heavy loses meaning. Most people (especially those who dont listen to metal) just consider it heavier rock. If i hear the same drum beat in a pop-punk song, and in a death metal song, how is one heavier than the other. With guitar you can add distortion, but as somebody said before "slipknot is not metal, just distortion". Distortion will not make a band metal, because it is also seen in many other types of music. You cannot just say that all metal vocalists scream, because there are bands that do not, like Iced Earth and Nevermore. The singers from Iced Earth and Nevermore are two of the best singers I've heard in a band recently. Metal does not use purely rock riffs; in Riding the Snake around 2:40 Steve Digiorgio plays a sweet jazz climb on the bass. And in Urotsukidoji the bass solo is more jazz than "metal".

I can seperate death/black metal from other types of music, but I do not usually put death and black with metal. Almost all death/black (I am trying not to generalize) has monotone, repetetive vocals, simple repetetive drum beats and guitar riffs. It took me and my friends about 5 minutes to learn Six Feet Under - Revenge of the Zombie, and we have only been playing a year or two. Death/black metal lacks the complexity and creativity I see in my favorite "metal" bands. The songs of Testament, Nevermore, and old Iced Earth are all very complicated and well-written. They are very good at not following the basic pattern of intro, verse, refrain, verse, refrain, bridge, refrain.

My favorite metal bands tend to be ones that are as hardcore as death metal, but much more talented, like Testament, Nevermore, Iced Earth, Slayer, Sepultura, etc.

People are too concerned about labling bands. Most people here won't listen to Slipknot because its "nu-metal". I don't think it sounds like Korn, or System of a Down, or any of that crap. But it seems to have been grouped there, and if i cared about what other people thought of the music I listen to, I probably wouldn't be listening to metal in the first place. I like bands that are really "heavy" like Testament and Slayer, but that doesn't mean I don't like other types of metal. I like Crossbreed, even though they have techno, and are not that heavy.

I am not trying to say that metal is better than all other forms of rock, but pretty much everybody I know who used to listen to just rock or rap, after hearing metal liked it better. There are metal bands with better vocals, instruments, meaning, and song-writing than rock bands. I do not consider nu-metal metal, i think it is just rock. And I think real metal is an advanced form of all those bands.

I am not trying to advocate Slipknot in this post, nor am I trying to insult all death metal. Do not post a reply argueing about death metal. I am only interested in what you think makes a band metal. I do not dislike all death metal either, I like the more creative ones, like Morbid Angel, and Skyfire.
I'm really glad to see this topic
in fact if u didn't , I do

and I'm agree with u
and I think "is it metal or not?" issue is just about feelings
I do not like black but I like some death bands like morbid angel, atheist, pestilence, etc..
look at fall of siple doom
it's pure death and one of the best death songs I've heard...

or look at judas priest's before the dawn
it ain't metal?
in my opinion it's pure metal

as I said
u feel that
it rocks or doesn't
because it's in your blood
u feel..

I don't support to analyse it as completely technical
Testament will usually satisfy any desire I have for death metal. I dont really dislike that style of vocals, It is just not my favorite. If there are death vocals, I'd rather have killer riffs behind it, like DNR, Sewn Shut Eyes, Riding the Snake, or a mix of different vocals, like Dog Faced Gods.

From my experience, the people that "know" the most about metal, the people know the different categories and try to seperate bands into them, are the ones who know the least.
u're absolutely right dude..
there're too many just like a metal encyclopaedia but how much they feel that, how much they live on this way..
they "seems" like they know every band, every kind of music..

ah, we can do that, too
we can look at the BNR metal pages and talk about all the bands.
the fuckin important point is
heavy metal is not only a music style
heavy metal is also a life style
heavy metal is a vision, a perception and act
heavy metal is a stand

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

unfortunately, some people miss that point
what a huge misconception!
I think that part of what seperates rock from metal is the passion that metal bands have. This is part of my problem with death metal. Since there is no emotion in the vocals or instruments half the time, you get no sense of passion, so its really hard to get into it. This is also why I don't group Slipknot with nu-metal like Korn. Slipknot's got the attitude and passion that you see in great bands like Testament and Slayer. Other types of rock just seem to lack that attitude, which is I think why so many people like metal more if they hear it.
everyone have their own windows and filters to look at life
these are their personality
so, heavy metal is a window, a filter for my view
it effects everything that I see
so, it's my perception

when I look at the things in my life
I say two or three words
"it rocks":headbang: or "it doesn' fuckin rock":yuk:

even when I look at the clouds, I see guitars, bands or something like those
not flowers, cars or God...

Originally posted by TrueBeliever
I can seperate death/black metal from other types of music, but I do not usually put death and black with metal. Almost all death/black (I am trying not to generalize) has monotone, repetetive vocals, simple repetetive drum beats and guitar riffs. It took me and my friends about 5 minutes to learn Six Feet Under - Revenge of the Zombie, and we have only been playing a year or two. Death/black metal lacks the complexity and creativity I see in my favorite "metal" bands.

You've obviously never listened to black metal bands like Emperor and Immortal. Sure 'true' black metal emphasizes less on technique and more on the message or image... but black metal has evolved from that.... just take a listen of Emperor's 'Anthems to Welkin...' or 'Equillibrium'. You won't find those tremolo picked melodies being repeated over and over like let's say Dark Funeral. You won't find repeating blast beats neither. Go listen to Emperor .... NOW! :)
Ha ha, there is a reason why I'm saying that I'm not generalizing. They're are probably more creative black metal than death metal bands. They have a wider variety of instruments, such as keyboards. Im referring to black metal bands like Kult of Azazel, who sounded good when I only heard one song. Then when I listened to 3 more and still only heard one song, I gave up on them.

I guess I'll go try and find some Emperor mp3s from their website.
Originally posted by TrueBeliever
Okay, but going back to my original question, what makes one band metal and one band not?

actually no-one can tell it to u. some says "this is metal" and some says "no, it ain' fuckin metal, true metal is this!"

so, if u want our comments we told u already

but if u want the true answer, it's inside yourself
look at the old bands who made it metal first
judas priest, black sabbath, iron maiden...
that's fuckin metal!!
and look at new bands and then, compare them
what's the difference?
that's what makes a band metal or not

that satisfies u?
Part of the reason for this was that everyone here seemed to be an expert on what isn't metal. Everyone is convinced Slipknot isn't metal, but they can't really tell me why. The only answer I get is, they suck, they're not talented, or you all bitch about the masks and having nine people.

Concerning the masks/number of people if you were to actually listen to the music, the masks would not make a difference.

And not every band has to be extremely talented. Slayer is not that much more talented than Slipknot. Most metal bands do not have a good bassist, and Kerry King is really not that good.

Just because you do not like a band, and i doubt you have heard enough to form a decent opinion, does not mean they suck. If I went around saying without really listening to every death metal band I did not like sucked, you would get just as pissed off as me.
Metal is a way of making musik, a way of exploring instrument
Many person say metal is not musik

I have a good exemple
make people listen until it sleep by apocalyptica and the one by Metallica

Watch their reaction

Metal is not distortion its a philosophy of doing the musik you want without taking care of harmony ou tuning rules

To the one who said bass player are not usualyy good in metal i say

Cliff Burton - David Ellefson - Alex Webster - Sean Malone - Steve Harris - Steve DiGiorgio -Jason Newsted - JH Boteri - Pete Iwes - John Myung

Those guys are not only good metal bassist, but one of the best bassist in all kind of music
Originally posted by TrueBeliever
Part of the reason for this was that everyone here seemed to be an expert on what isn't metal. Everyone is convinced Slipknot isn't metal, but they can't really tell me why. The only answer I get is, they suck, they're not talented, or you all bitch about the masks and having nine people.

Concerning the masks/number of people if you were to actually listen to the music, the masks would not make a difference.

And not every band has to be extremely talented. Slayer is not that much more talented than Slipknot. Most metal bands do not have a good bassist, and Kerry King is really not that good.

Just because you do not like a band, and i doubt you have heard enough to form a decent opinion, does not mean they suck. If I went around saying without really listening to every death metal band I did not like sucked, you would get just as pissed off as me.

Kerry King ain't that good?? well, i think he was great in his old works..and i think that thrash metal musicians are mostly talented and insane people on their instruments..jazz&blues is also different and needs talent..but metal needs speed, talent, different variations..

and if u want to hear a good bassist, for thrash metal check Whiplash - Insult To Injury
and u can hear John Myung of Dream Theater also..he is really great..
and Steve Di Giorgio..he is also great