What is the best CD of all time?

Whatever you do, do NOT buy their second album, Gloria, ever. Unless you like to cry incessant tears of unimaginable disappointment.

I actually listened to a few of the new songs over again recently and they managed to get themselves stuck in my head. I decided to pick it up and give them a benefit of the doubt given how much I liked the first, regardless of the style change.

I have to say, I'm actually getting pretty into this, it's no longer anywhere near progressive death territory, but it still feels like progressive metal even if the approach is entirely different. It's obvious not nearly the album its predecessor is, but I'm liking it quite a bit.

This is an impossible question to define with any consensus.

But, the one thing I can support with evidence is that according to five Rock Hard Magazine Editors, the highest score ever received in monthly album reviews during the past 20 years is still...



:lol: :rock: :Smokin: :kickass: :Puke:

If you're familiar, great.
If not, come grab some Audio/Video for free:
Heir Apparent ®™ - The Band
It's sad when I think about how great Metallica used to be :erk: *sigh* Master Of Puppets, arguably Metallica's finest hour.

:waah: *cries* :waah:

Ahhh, what might have been. I loved their stuff up through the black album and saw 'em numerous times back in the glory days when I knew Kirk pretty well (he's a bookworm, which is how we hit it off). I was treated like royalty back in the days when they reallly cared about their fans on tour.

Later, that practice declined.*

So did Metallica.

* except for Jason Newsted, who never stopped caring :kickass: