what is the ideal operating system?


Gabriel R.
Nov 25, 2010
Orange County, CA
Hello, it looks like im in the market for a new operating system. I currently have win xp sp3 32bit. Im tired of not being able to maximize my RAMS ability due to it only supporting up to 3gb.

What do you guys recommend i upgrade to? Vista or Win 7? 32 or 64 bit?

I will be using amp simulation, waves, reaper 4, voxengo, etc

^ i just want to emphasize those in case threes any problem with operating systems
NO VISTA - Go Windows 7 x64 and I always recommend at least Home Premium so you can not hit a RAM limit until 16GB.
I'd go for Win7 if you're a long-time and satisfied Windows User. I actually really dig it. If you're using Reaper you can get the 64bit Version, it has a bridge for your plugins already included, so all your 32bit plugins will run in it (never had a single problem with any of mine).
An ideal operating system ?

No such thing yet.

You can set up a dual boot with Win7/XP though if you want max stability and compatibility.
i worked many years on a slim win xp 32bit setup, which was incredible efficient and fast.
but due the same reason (3GB Ram Limit) and my extraordenary use of sample libraries i had to made the switch to a new computer (I72600k, 16GB RAM) and Win7 64Bit and i havnt regreted it so far,

Win 7 works really well, it not as slim as my previous XP System, but the performance is still outstanding!
No dude it's totally real and anonymous is totally cool and legit. Just download it, it's free!

But seriously, OS X/Win7 or XP dualboot is pretty neat, in my experience.

Nah I'm pretty sure it's a fake, Sourceforge pulled it from their site and AnonOps even said that it was a fake and is wrapped with trojans.

Also why would you want to use a OS preloaded with hacking tools for music production? If you want linux just get a well established distro that is known to be compatible with music software and hardware.

Don't go spreading this nigerian crap around.

Nothing beats Win & OS X.
Yes, there is an ideal OS. Win 7 64bits Ultimate. It is really great. Its obvious that anything will get better while the time passes. But now the ideal is this one.

Most people use it, its powerful, its fast, simple, with full load of software, compatibility mode, no ram limit, hardware drivers, etc...
That will be the Anonymous who plan to take down the Internet :D (day before April Fools day)

Oh yeah, Win 7 64bit Home Premium