what is the most obscure band you listen to

Nick Menza was thinking "Im a whiney bitch, and I am not in Megadeth anymore." Great drummer, shitty anything else. Funny thing is, he thinks he is going to have video and single offers coming to him. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Maudlin Of The Well - Bath / Leaving Your Body Map
Death/BLues/Folk/Prog/Atmospheric/Opeth On Overdrive/Very Unique adn Strange Metal (or something like that) hailing from the US

Adramelch - Irae Melanox
Italian Prog Metal, released one Album that is easily as good as Images and Words, while sounding completely unique, then promptly vanished into obscurity.

Jesters March - Beyond /Acts
German Prog Act.

Leviathan - Questions, Riddles, Poetry and Outrage
US prog band.

Stormtrooper - Armies Of The Night
gotta be my most obscure gem, theis band never released anything else but this ultra rare EP (roughly in the middle of the 80ties) and it's of the best power metal releases ever.

Omen - Battle Cry
You never know what power metal is until you've listened to Omen, for the US.

Dark Fortress - Tales From Eternal Dusk
Disscetion like Black/Death Metal from Germany, highly melodic
Zen - Gaze into the light - italian prog metal
DoomSword - S/T - italian epic metal
Domine - Champion Eternal - italian epic metal.they have a couple more albums out and aren't that obscure now,but when they released this they were...anyway this one's easily their best,they other two are good as well but in a more rhapsody direction
Brocas Helm - Black Death - american epic metal
Johnny Cash - Love - american country or sth - i know he's not obscure but not many metallers know him :p

cant think of more right now.l8rz
Believer: Christian/prog/death metal

They've got a guy and girl singer. The chick is very opera-esc and the guy sounds similar to anybody else in that metal genre. They also incorporate a string section, not an orchestra, and this was done almost 5 years before S&M, so don't even think of comparisions with other bands that have tried much of the same?!?!?!

Brutal Truth- S.O.D. and Cannibal Corpse all wrapped up into one crazy hardcore/jazz/thrash outfit.
They're not obscure to me but probably VoiVod, Sacred Reich, and Deliverance-Christian progressive/thrash metal (there style changes on the 3 albums I have). Hell, I mention Nevermore and Death and some people say, "Who is That?" I love living in commercialized America (sarcasm). Also, I have heard some Believer.
Dimensions and Sanity Obscure were just pinnacle albums for technical death/thrash. Their whole Christian motif aside, they kicked the hell out of other bands from that time frame, IMO.

I was following this thread wondering if I should start pulling out no names, but I decided I'd go with cult bands instead. Bands that some may have heard of, but are vastly underrated and just rock.

Believer, being at the top of the last. Also Carnivore, Peter Steele's pre-Prozac hardcorethrash crossover from hell. Twelve Tribes. Shakespeare in Hell (these guys rule) and Sarchophogus (black metal with technical death elemtns. SHame Jay Harris is such a racist bitch)


I'd say my most obscure is probably INTO ETERNITY. They're like a cross between the better parts of both prog and death. It's kick ass stuff. Then again i only listen to them on a recomendation from someone on this board in the "recommend a band" post from like a month or two ago. Who was that anyway? Come forth! :D
Voivod, Sacred Reich, and Vio-Lence are not obscure, but are all excellent. I've heard Mekong Delta, Into Eternity, and Deliverance as well, but they are somewhat obscure. Brocas Helm is very obscure; I've only heard of them, I've never listened to them. They're supposedly similar to The Lord Weird Slough Feg, another obscure band I own the CDs of. Some of the others I've never even heard of, so I'd say they must be very obscure.
Smakdab -- a now defunct sort of nu-metal band from Iowa with a chick singer.

Atrophy -- two cool albums and then oblivion (not really obscure though). Wish I could find their stuff on CD

Hum -- decent modern rock band from Champaign, IL. Loved their last CD "Downward is Heavenward"

I have heard Mekong Delta. I think they were probably one of the first "metal" bands to play with an Orchestra, (way before Metallica), but correct me if I'm wrong. Has anyone heard of Death Row? They were kind of like technical/prog-metal, or a Meshuggah without "gruff/death" vocals. As for Christian Metal I listened to Bride and White Cross years ago. There are more bands I could mention but what's obscure to one person may not be obscure to another.
I can´t say for sure that Mekong Delta incorporated an orchestra first of all,but they sure did a cool job with it.I actually had to listen to it this morning.
I have heard of Death Row,but I can´t remember what they sounded like.
Anyone remember Crumbsuckers?80´s NYHC,cool shit with growlvocals.I have the CD called B.O.M.B. which I really dig.
Cyclone Temple was another cool thrash oufit,with Joey Taffola on guitars..

Crumbsuckers and Cyclone Temple. Cool and obscure old-school shit, nice reverences, Rorschach.

Man, I feel old thinking about them. Like the first Ludicrhist album. Hardcore/thrash crossovers before it became popular, like Carnivore.

Angry, Neurocitc Catholics. Tha't's the shit.

Hmmm... Brocas Helm, huh? I have the LP "Into Battle", the CD "Black Death" their latest 7" and i saw them live some 5-6 months ago. Dragon might know something about it.

Mind Over Four is one of my top progressive bands and i think they are obscure. I have the LPs "Out Here", "The Goddess" and the CD "Half Way Down".
I love Mekong Delta, and i have most of their albums.
Heir Apparent - Power/Prog from Seattle
Confessor - Doom/Prog Excellent
Kinetic Dissent - Technical Speed
Cirith Ungol - Heavy/Epic Metal
MANOWAR - Prog/Death with great shows...

and many more, too bored to mention.
Wait, you would list Manowar as a prog/death band? Just confused. Oh yeah, they have also sold a ton of records, and have people devoting their lives to their band. Those people are funny!