What is the N-word?

Black people should have my pals branded somewhere visible on their bodies...

I've forgotten where I was going with this.
In all honesty... your guys' shtick has lost what little tiny piece of comedic value it had to begin with.

It's old.
I don't think anyone in here cares. If one person still find it humorous, then not much else matters.
so when are we going to get cracker removed from the english language if we're just going to go around abolishing words because they're hateful? ritz is going to be fucking pissed.
My sentiments exactly.
In more honesty, I think you're letting these people bother you too much. It's so much easier to just ignore them rather than get worked up about it.

I'm not racist in the slightest... but I think a nicely placed, good relevant racist joke can be extremely hilarious (even if it's racist towards me). It's too bad we haven't had a good one on this board for ages. Instead people blurt out words that offend people just because they can. I still don't really consider that "racist," but it IS pretty stupid, boring, and pointless.

edit: It's not much different than saying "omg bewbs" when a girl posts a pic with her chest in it. Stupid.