I wake up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy. Grab my glasses, I'm out the door, I'm going to hit the city. Before I leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack. Because when I leave for the night, I ain't coming back.
Ok, seriously though. I usually wake up around 8-10 Saturday morning. Drink about a pot of coffee. Read the news, read up on interesting shit I may have missed during the week (because you know, I'm busy being a slave during that time). Take a shower, and while I'm showering decide what I want to do next. Here lately, that has consisted of heading to the shop and working on some parts for my car. After I'm doing with that, probably mid-afternoon, I go get some chow and roll a spliff. Toke it up a little with my bro and decide if we want to rent some movies or just go home and watch whatever dvd's we have (usually comedies, duh), or play some Xbox, smoke some more dope, tinker around in the garage, or just sit and bullshit about cars and how one day we'll both own M3's.
Sunday is usually reserved for not doing shit except watching racing and dicking around at home doing something extremely enthralling like laundry.
Rinse and repeat.