What is your fantasy?


May 21, 2002
North Bethesda, Maryland
The other night the power went here and I was in darkness, so I got up from my bed and went to light a candle, I brought it back with me in my room and tried to hit the sacks again, but at that point all I could think about was having sex, 'cause I like the way the candle wax looks and feels on your skin when it dries off...so I guess my fantasy would be intense wild sex with some hot candle wax involved ;)
What are your fantasies?
metal17 - hot wax, huh?
are you into some BDSM involved as well?

thats ok you dont have to answer :D

i am absolutely NOT going to share my fantasies.
sorry! but one thing on this forum i'd like to keep for myself :)
I'll also refrain from talking about my fantasies, but they definitely do not involve:

a) hot wax
b) anything that pinches
c) and this:

playing in a tr00 metal band in front of tr00 respective diehard metal fans

sadly this isn't the easiest thign to accomplish.....nothing happens without the effort though
Wolftribe said:
my fantasy is getting naked with some girl and having sex.

is that normal? :err:
that used to be my fantasy......then i realized its not gonna happen so i went for something more reasonal
My current fantasy is stabbing Donald Rumsfeld in the face with a very big knife.
Lets all hope that this will be a reality too.

Now my ultra fantasy is to see Psychotic Waltz live

and about sex - There is only one woman ruling my fantasies - i would kill to make love to her: Monica Belluci.
i don't really have any fantasies. i had one for years about having sex for the first time in a tent...and i lived that one out...and havn't had any since then. other than to wiggle with a squid, which i do on a regular basis
ah, and when i was little i'd fantasize and dream about seeing kiss in concert, all four original members, in make-up. and i got that one too :headbang:
My fantasy is to mysteriously discover a magical control panel in my basement with a button labeled

"Kill all People who believe in God"

and then I'll press them, and then they'll all die, and then all the rest of us can be reasonable and live happily ever after without door-to-door evangelists and being able to watch the news without hearing anything about the middle east.

yeah.... that would be sweet.