the official "what did you do today?" thread

Woke up at the typical time of 2 snoozes through my cellphone clock alarm, all the while half-sleep-dreaming about what I'm hearing from the AM radio on my actual alarm clock. I always get woken up between snooze 1 and 2 by the horrid voice of Dr. Laura on her promo for her show in the next hour blabbing about why the random caller is a horrible wife/mother/christian. Climbed down from my loft bed, put on my glasses and hopped into my comfy leather desk chair. Checked my email, checked the news, started to read UM. Heard a fantastic rendition of the national anthem on the radio, acapella with some vocalists with incredible range. Another 2 minutes past the national anthem and the alarm clock radio turned off at its typical hour-past the time it turned on, making me realize I have 15 minutes to get to work. Threw on my clothes, brushed my hair back with my hands, filled my pockets with my mp3 player, cell phone, keys, wallet, grabbed Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon and ran out the door to my car. Hopped in the car, tossed an mp3 cd player into the cd deck.. hmm what today..... ok, Clutch - Pure Rock Fury it is. On the way to work was following behind a cop so I didn't want to speed along with him so I drove a little slower than usual. Got to work 5 minutes late AS ALWAYS. [insert work day here, a/k/a researching mortgage documents, reading Pynchon on my break, and constantly multitasking between databases on the PC and UM] Got a crazy craving for some sugar so broke down and had some ho-ho's from the vending machine, and they tasted just as gross as I thought they would be. Felt sick from eating ho-ho's, so when lunch rolled around all the cafeteria food looked mighty gross. Oggled the special of the day (... meatloaf... ) for a while, but decided against any REAL food and grabbed a thing of BANANA PUDDING. Went back to my desk, ate my banana pudding, drank a diet dr pepper, read some more Pynchon and went back to work. [insert more of the same above work day here]

Pooped at some point during the day, and played Sudoku on my cellphone while doing so.

Came home, sat on my futon, turned on the TV. Hmm what's this show? Oh, xfiles, bleh.. tv.... Played some magnetica on my nintendo DS. Went to my desk, made some posts on UM. Chatted on irc. Eventually ate some salad for dinner, still wasn't hungry. Cara called and said she only had a few minutes left on her phone time, so we talked until the phone died. Just a second ago I at a spicy-black-bean veggie burger on a toasted kaiser roll.

edit: it also had bbq sauce. Bull's Eye bbq sauce. I'm not a fan. I'm contemplating how I need to import more high quality sauce from Tennessee since I used the last of the magnificent stuff up last week on my salmon pizza.
Chromatose said:
Woke up at the typical time of 2 snoozes through my cellphone clock alarm, all the while half-sleep-dreaming about what I'm hearing from the AM radio on my actual alarm clock. I always get woken up between snooze 1 and 2 by the horrid voice of Dr. Laura on her promo for her show in the next hour blabbing about why the random caller is a horrible wife/mother/christian. Climbed down from my loft bed, put on my glasses and hopped into my comfy leather desk chair. Checked my email, checked the news, started to read UM. Heard a fantastic rendition of the national anthem on the radio, acapella with some vocalists with incredible range. Another 2 minutes past the national anthem and the alarm clock radio turned off at its typical hour-past the time it turned on, making me realize I have 15 minutes to get to work. Threw on my clothes, brushed my hair back with my hands, filled my pockets with my mp3 player, cell phone, keys, wallet, grabbed Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon and ran out the door to my car. Hopped in the car, tossed an mp3 cd player into the cd deck.. hmm what today..... ok, Clutch - Pure Rock Fury it is. On the way to work was following behind a cop so I didn't want to speed along with him so I drove a little slower than usual. Got to work 5 minutes late AS ALWAYS. [insert work day here, a/k/a researching mortgage documents, reading Pynchon on my break, and constantly multitasking between databases on the PC and UM] Got a crazy craving for some sugar so broke down and had some ho-ho's from the vending machine, and they tasted just as gross as I thought they would be. Felt sick from eating ho-ho's, so when lunch rolled around all the cafeteria food looked mighty gross. Oggled the special of the day (... meatloaf... ) for a while, but decided against any REAL food and grabbed a thing of BANANA PUDDING. Went back to my desk, ate my banana pudding, drank a diet dr pepper, read some more Pynchon and went back to work. [insert more of the same above work day here]

Pooped at some point during the day, and played Sudoku on my cellphone while doing so.

Came home, sat on my futon, turned on the TV. Hmm what's this show? Oh, xfiles, bleh.. tv.... Played some magnetica on my nintendo DS. Went to my desk, made some posts on UM. Chatted on irc. Eventually ate some salad for dinner, still wasn't hungry. Cara called and said she only had a few minutes left on her phone time, so we talked until the phone died. Just a second ago I at a spicy-black-bean veggie burger on a toasted kaiser roll.

edit: it also had bbq sauce. Bull's Eye bbq sauce. I'm not a fan. I'm contemplating how I need to import more high quality sauce from Tennessee since I used the last of the magnificent stuff up last week on my salmon pizza.

You're right, this thread needs more shit like the Derick/Derek consortium has managed.
woke up at 8... stayed in bed till 9...talked with my parents on the phone... drove bf home... drove car to service... went to buy cheese, grapes and energy drinks... made myself coffee... and now I'm here!
retarded penguin said:
Which episode!?


I will subsequently engage in an inner monologue, which will turn into a dialogue, and then two more monologues.
the entire first season. but only half of it. 60 episodes (i believe) in the first season and there are only 28 episodes on the 4 discs.
woke up at 5:57, the same time as every work day. supporting the war fighter means up at 0 Dark Thirty. Peed, brushed teeth, went down stairs, fed cats, cracked open an Archer Farms sugar free energy drink. Opened my closet, and selected a powder blue shirt to go with my khaki pants and black boots. Gathered my car CD face plate and Colour Haze - Tempel cd to copy at work. Find eight dollars in my pants pocket. It's the tiny victories that count for something.

Left the house at 6:22 and fired up the Lincoln. listened to ESPN radio during my grueling commute. Got past the security guards and pulled into the lot at 6:31. I walked up the sidewalk to my building, failing to see any dismembered torso of a man in his late 50s, nor any tell-tale bloodstains at all. Swiped my key card and just like that, I'm in Federal cubical slavery for the next 8 1/2 hours.

Answered emails, coordinated personnel moves, then proceed to UM. Notice Will's "aaaarg" thread, feeling compassion for the ills in one so young. Idly wonder if Will's bulging discs happened pre- or as a result of his weekend with Dreaming Neon Darkspot.

Peruse Chicago Sun Times web site sports columnists; most sports sites are blocked by our silly firewall. Print up several good columns to read if and when I have to rid myself of poopage.

Regular thursday lunch plans fall through, so I walk down to the cafeteria and procure some BBQ Fritos and a personal size sausage pizza, which I augment with a liberal slathering of tobasco sauce. Nose starts to run due to peppery goodness.

Belch. drink more A&W diet root beer. This stuff kicks ass. Groove to Tempel. Who says Germans have no rhythm. UM refuses this post for about 20 minutes.

That is all.
dreaming neon darkspot said:
the entire first season. but only half of it. 60 episodes (i believe) in the first season and there are only 28 episodes on the 4 discs.
I know these details! It is good that others know them.



Jolly good!
so far today i woke up at 10 and had to eat breakfast and go over to an outdoor supplies store to get some stuff for an upcoming camping retreat with my school. once i got home i started packing for the alaskan cruise im leaving tomorrow. im staying in vancouver for a day to see a cousin of mine and then im departing from there for the cruise.
I took a cab down to the Canadian border in Windsor to do a big liquor shopping this morning. It's about a 20-30 minute drive. I basically filled up the whole cab with cases of beer and a few bottles of gin, vermouth, and tequilla.
Woke up on a friends floor around 10.30am with another guy, a bacon sandwich and a bitch of a head-ache. All is well when I realise said guy is my buddy Mark and we had crashed at a friends following an open mic session and copious amounts of red wine. The open mic OWNED. A duo played some amazing tunes, of the Tenacious D variety, and a cute chick called me Tony all night because I told her my name was Derek and she totally misheard me. I did not correct her for the fear that she may not understand, plus I always kinda liked the sleazy image a name like Tony can give. After the open mic we went to a rock bar, someone smashed a pint glass over me, accidently while engaging in horseplay with a friend, hurt like hell, bouncers were cool and the Irish dude just kept telling me not to start a fight, which pissed me off no end, discovered he was a distant relative, so not to worry. Wine sucks, and the car drive we had to take today to play football had me road-side puking/fainting after about 30 minutes. Grass stains on the ol' jeans now. Drunk some diet coke, played football, home again, more puke, and now I'm in agony as I can't sleep, watch fear factor re-runs and lament the fact that wine was £4.50 a bottle last night, on special.
woke up at 6:00 A.M., went to work, still at work( till 4 P.M.) , then i'll go home, eat the whole fucking fridge, fall asleep.... go out, get very drunk, maybe have sex (right)....