the official "what did you do today?" thread

average stalker said:
every day is the same for me. wake up at 6 and shower. then i get a breakfast sandwich and eat it at work. i work 7-3 everyday and right now i'm home for lunch. after i get home i play Oblivion and download music.
hey thats like my every day except I wake up at 1:30 PM, dont work as much, and play eve.
firewalkjen said:
Sounds like some of you need some spice in your life. :kickass:

Girlfriend is away at Yale for another two weeks :erk:
Im just being negative today though, it was one of those "why the hell should I even get out of bed" mornings.
Got up at 7:30 after a long night up with the puppy who won't sleep anywhere but his cage that is entirely too small for him now. Hurried to work, got in 10 minutes late, discovered the receptionist was out sick. Now I am sitting here doing both her duties and mine, waiting until my break in 30 minutes so I can go pick up my mom and take her to the doctor to have her blood clot from her surgery last week drained. Then I will leave work at 5, pick her up from the doctor, take her home, then go home myself and watch X-Files on my DVR and probably fall asleep before 10.
BlackwaterNymph said:
Got up at 7:30 after a long night up with the puppy who won't sleep anywhere but his cage that is entirely too small for him now. Hurried to work, got in 10 minutes late, discovered the receptionist was out sick. Now I am sitting here doing both her duties and mine, waiting until my break in 30 minutes so I can go pick up my mom and take her to the doctor to have her blood clot from her surgery last week drained. Then I will leave work at 5, pick her up from the doctor, take her home, then go home myself and watch X-Files on my DVR and probably fall asleep before 10.

busy sammeh! see now, if they'd hurried up and hired me already than i could be doing the receptionist shit today. tsk tsk tsk:Smug:

eww blood clots, hope that all goes well! hah poor nazi pup; a bit insecure is he? :p
haven't done much today. got up around 9. sat around. waited for the mail. waited for the mail. got ready. waited for the mail, then struck out at 1:40 to catch the bus and come to the library. mail never came before then. now it doesn't matter if the mail has come, because i needed to bring what i'm waiting for to the library. oh well, maybe tomorrow *sigh*
I got up at 8:30, messed with my mp3 player (which is now out of room), burned a CD, ate breakfast in the car, got to work nearly an hour late and no one cared, got off at around 4, went to my local CD store and bought some new stuff, logged on here and talked to Dan about the Seattle trip, ate, went to Lowe's to get some salt for the water softener, and I am now here again. I'll probably be going to sleep sometime soon so I can wake up in time for my surgery tomorrow morning.
firewalkjen said:
aww sorry to hear. You sould be enjoying yur time alone.
Go hang out with your buddies and do whatever it is you do to bond. hehe

Yea its just temporary bitching and moaning, I get out sometimes when i feel adventurous :lol:
went to work.. phones were down, printers were down, fun day.

got home, did nothing, played hitman, will came over, played guitars then guitar hero, now im on here eating late dinner.
went to work, came home, went to the orthodontist fucker, was suppose to go out with a girl but it all got fucked up cuz shes going on a cruise for a week and leaving tomorrow so that kinda blew. now im here playing my guitar and just finished playing "conquer all" by behemoth
Got up at 6:30 am, went to the hospital with my parents and got all happy on the various meds they pumped into my bloodstream (wooooo!), then lost consciousness for about an hour while they worked on my evil I'm back here wearing the ugliest shoe ever.
I woke up at 1, took a shower, ate some lunch, went to work for a few hours, came back here, gonna play some eve and then eat dinner and then watch stargate at 9 and then probably play eve or fiddle with a guitar till 3 or 4 in the morning.