the official "what did you do today?" thread

Gave a small lecture on Roman Generals (totally plagarised from Goldsworthy, because I am lazy like that :p) Watched Hicks' Sane Man DVD with Italian subtitles because I am woeful at conversational Italian, despite being here for an extended period of time. Ate a little pasta, fell asleep. Went for a drive earlier to an old museum, but mainly just wanted to listen to a little Elliott Smith while on the open road.
Wolftribe said:
I just got this image of you being chased out of a house by some wife beater-wearing redneck with a shot gun yelling "DONT COME 'ROUND HERE NO MORE, YA HEAR!"
my little brother's actually the shotgun weilding (semi) redneck who wears wife-beaters. my dad's just canadian.
i went to the gym, then went to see miami vice which i thought was pretty good, but not as good as heat or collateral. then i took the bus to the origin/impaled show but i had to leave before origin went on but now that i think about it, impaled was so fucking awesome i'm almost glad i ended the night on such a high note.
I don't post here, but I feel like I hsould share my night. I had sex with my girlfriend in the afternoon before she left for some gay volleyball camp shit. then i proceeded to get wasted and go to a strip club where i fingered a stripper in a private lap dance session, then didnt pay her and got kicked out. then i got even drunker an d now im here
The Don said:
I don't post here, but I feel like I hsould share my night. I had sex with my girlfriend in the afternoon before she left for some gay volleyball camp shit. then i proceeded to get wasted and go to a strip club where i fingered a stripper in a private lap dance session, then didnt pay her and got kicked out. then i got even drunker an d now im here
some day eh?
well today wasnt a good start. i went to the orthopedic doctor for my shoulder (its been fucked up for 10 months now) and he said that it is now manditory that i get shoulder surgery. this really pissed me off and im probably gona be in a really bad mood for a while now...
Conquer All said:
well today wasnt a good start. i went to the orthopedic doctor for my shoulder (its been fucked up for 10 months now) and he said that it is now manditory that i get shoulder surgery. this really pissed me off and im probably gona be in a really bad mood for a while now...

:cry: That sucks. Mind if I asked what you did to it? Mine's been hurting for two months now, with no end in sight. You make me wanna go to the doctor.
BlackwaterNymph said:
:cry: That sucks. Mind if I asked what you did to it? Mine's been hurting for two months now, with no end in sight. You make me wanna go to the doctor.
haha well...
11 months (september)ago i was playing street hockey and there is a cage surrounding the rink. i was a dumbass and forgot my shoulder pads. a guy who was a lot bigger than me came at me and slammed me into the cage with my right shoulder first. i went to the doctor and he said i have something called asio chrominal. that means that my chrominal bone in my shoulder is misplaced where the growth plate is. so for three months i went to physical therapy and treated it. they said it was all good to go so i went back to doing my normal stuff. since then i havent played sports but i did start playing football 2 months ago. as i was throwing the ball around i started getting terrible pains where i injured it. went back to the doctor and he said that i still have this bone thing. went for two months of physical therapy again and now he said i need to have surgery.
I went to a quick meeting and to drop off some important papers this morning, got back like 40 minutes ago. That's pretty much it for today.
put together a quick powerpoint slide show spoof on our agency director, for his 50th birthday, putting a scanned pic of his face on
a) a naked baby
b) a cub scout
c) a hippie
d) a young man
e) with George Bush
f) King George of England (one of em)

went over so well I just found out I'm getting a $100 cash award. Took me all of thirty minutes.
Today I:

1. crawled out of bed
2. showered
3. went to work
4. called a health inspector with a complaint (jobs!)
5. typed shit
6. went to lunch and found out that:
a. my boyfriend's guitarist is in jail
b. my ex-boyfriend's name is stuck on my lease
7. ???

I'm hoping to round out the day with a beer and a good metal CD.