What is your fav Odyssey song to play?


Return of Ganon
Oct 30, 2002
Twin Cities, MN
Not just guitar, but anything...

For guitar I would choose Inferno, because the song just rips and its full of riffs that are fun to play, especially the opening. That in itself is such an outstanding picking excercise, because it is fast but not blazing. So it forces you to be REALLY percise. The solo also tests your Romeoesque string-skip tapping chops.

For Drums: Probably King of Terrors. It's just hard driving and its fun to play. (well, I would imagine so anyway, I haven't touched a kit in a couple years)

Vox? Dunno, I don't have half the range that Russel does so I give up.

Keys? Don't really play keys except for some midi sequencing stuff.

Bass? Probably Awakenings since the song features the Bass.
my favorite songs to sing are Awakenings, The Odyssey, and King of Terrors, but the only one my band is covering is Inferno which, for me, is the hardest one to sing, but it should be fun to perform nonetheless. !:headbang:
I haven't had time to play any Odyssey songs yet.
I've been busy with school, jazz/theory studies, chop building and my one "shred" stuff to relax and enjoy.
But I'll be working on Sea of Lies tonight.
Sea of Lies is an excellent song to play for chops. The tapping section is a mother... It's still hard to play it cleanly but the guitar I have here has crappy pickups. Once I get home, I'll see how well I can pull it off on my new M-1000

Other great excersises...

Damnation game intro: String skipping and Arpeggiation mania. Again, it is fast but not too fast, so you really have to be in control, especially on the arpeggios.

Dressed to Kill (bach section) : string skipping, alternate picking mania...once again, you need to be in full control. The little fast run at the end is much easier to reproduce than the rest of it, because of the tempo that it is at.

Out of the Ashes intro: What a mother...
I can't play it, can you?
I think the easiest songs of syx are of sins & sea of lies, these are the only 2 i can play almost completly hehe, btw the middle solo in sea of lies is the easiest one IMO.

i try to play inferno with my band, but my drummer still has alot to learn