what is your favourite AA song?

Since I'm a new comer to the band, although I have liked them for
about five months I never went and picked up an album, but I'm
gonna get Versus The World for my birthday, but so far from what
I've heard I'm gonna go with An Ancient Sign of Coming Storm.
Top Five.

1. Thousand Years of Opression
2. Death in Fire
3. Across the Rainbow Bridge
4. ...And Soon the World will cease to be
5. Arson + Once Sealed in Blood
My favorite songs are:
1. Friends of the suncross
2. Fury Divine
3. Where silent gods stand guard
4. The sound of eight hooves
You Guys are all wrong... The best Amon Amarth songs are on the Sorrow Throughout The Nine Worlds. Burning Creation is the best song on that cd...
all songs i know them perfectly...usually i start my rehearsel in morning with one random AA song:)

but one with a special meaning for me is Across the Rainbow Bridge... it helped me emotional/spiritually very much in a difficult period:)
Thor_Arise said:
You Guys are all wrong... The best Amon Amarth songs are on the Sorrow Throughout The Nine Worlds. Burning Creation is the best song on that cd...
Fucking right.
Best Music, and Lyrics.
