what is your favourite AA song?

Everyone already listed great songs.

I'd also point out Abandoned, on Once Sent... I overlooked it for a while because its surround by classics. But that is a great song that builds to a huge finish.

Also, The Mighty Doors of the Spear-God's Hall. Love the horses hooves in the beginning.

But Death In Fire is the one song I would pick out as representing so much that is great about Amon Amarth. It's a great song to play for people who aren't familiar with AA.
Man it's so good.

Versus The World disc 2:

Victorious March kicked my ass.
Burning Creation ripped me a new asshole.
Under The Greyclouded Winter Sky owned my ass.

Only to be topped off with the "Arrival of the Fimbul Winter" demo.

My ass now belongs to Amon Amarth.
oh man...thats tough, and i don't want to write out every AA song...so i'll just choose a few

Victorious March
Death in Fire
Friends of the Suncross
Fate of Norns
Ride for Vengeance
And Soon The World Will Cease To Be...
Bleed For Ancient Gods

too long of a list, i love all their songs
Well after listening to Fate of Norns, The Avenger, Versus the World, Sorrow Throughout the Nine Worlds, Arrival of the Fimbul Winter and Thor Arise. (All original CD's. I choose not to listen to the other two albums until I own them)

I think The Avenger is my favorite song. I absolutely love it.