What is your PP Weekend Travel Playlist?

I'm more than willing to sell you guys for profit in Geneva! There are enough female diplomats around that you could probably fetch a decent price. Great idea!

The irritating thing is that flying is the same price and only 2 hours faster. Plus it's harder to have drinks on the plane due to security. We have Kalle's Creative Sound Blaster thingie to bring too, but then we have to listen to HIS music *tragic sigh*
I'm more than willing to sell you guys for profit in Geneva! There are enough female diplomats around that you could probably fetch a decent price. Great idea!

if that is what you must do, then... I guess I don't have a say in it.
you will be filming everything? right?

We have Kalle's Creative Sound Blaster thingie to bring too, but then we have to listen to HIS music *tragic sigh*

...noooooooo!!!!! anything but that!

I'll have my phone with me... and probably my laptop also... so at least I can listen to MY music :Smokin:
if that is what you must do, then... I guess I don't have a say in it.
you will be filming everything? right?

...noooooooo!!!!! anything but that!

I'll have my phone with me... and probably my laptop also... so at least I can listen to MY music :Smokin:

That is the standard arrangement - you guys perform and I document :kickass:

Hmm, as the day draws closer I'm still drawn toward the BG marathon with Threshold and maybe something super cheesy, like Frank Sinatr :p
That is the standard arrangement - you guys perform and I document :kickass:

and make some money in the progress? :D

Hmm, as the day draws closer I'm still drawn toward the BG marathon with Threshold and maybe something super cheesy, like Frank Sinatr :p

hmm... I think I'd go for a good dose of Frank Zappa spiced up with some good progressive death metal and listening to you two arguing in opera. :worship:rock:
and make some money in the progress? :D

hmm... I think I'd go for a good dose of Frank Zappa spiced up with some good progressive death metal and listening to you two arguing in opera. :worship:rock:

Opera arguments can be arranged... I was rocking out to some Andrew Lloyd Webber show tunes in the car, but should probably switch to some straight up Sarah Brightman pop-opera as training. I'm toying with the idea of adding ZZ Top to the mix too.


:lol: Tack sa mycket!
Opera arguments can be arranged... I was rocking out to some Andrew Lloyd Webber show tunes in the car, but should probably switch to some straight up Sarah Brightman pop-opera as training. I'm toying with the idea of adding ZZ Top to the mix too.

I need to get a recorder and tape it all down and release it for big $$
... or even better ... big €€ because $ ain't worth shit. :kickass:

you're arguments will become the biggest thing ever and world famous. :Smokin:
Pfft, if I've got to squeal like a pig on tape it better be pounds sterling we're selling the albums in!!

I wonder how hard it is to improv opera arguments to existing classical music tunes. For example, I could see breaking into a Tchaikovsky-Nutcracker rant in a store over a disagreement about a garbage can for the bathroom. Hmmm!
So to recap: 16 hours round trip of travel with dueling opera singing from people who can't carry a tune with a regular song. You are a sick, sick man. :D
I will later overdub some spoken parts for narration, so people can follow the storyline.
it will be awesome...

I'll sell it to the US Army for usage on military prisons.
I think Kalle and I need giant white curly hair wigs and you need a conductor's jacket and baton.

The story line is going to be intense:

Now they enter the store, discussing which garbage can would work best. Kirsty expresses her uncertainty about such a large purchase. Kalle begins to get frustrated and points out that this is a 5e container. Kirsty points out that a garbage can is the final resting place for products that have served their duty and thus should be a place of honour. Kalle's fists twitch as he calmly asks which one Kirsty likes. Kirsty panics that she forgot a sample of the shower curtain fabric to match the garbage can to...
Marcel, you can be director if you can work in kick boxing. I think if we video record the production there should be some operatic kick boxing to some Baroque music.
You two lovebirds want to get a private roo.. forum? It's not like both of you are my bitches, and I can tell you what to do. OH WAIT, IT IS! And I really seem to be paying through my nose for it, so there will be cameras to compensate for the cost. PP people get a free viewing, for other people it's 5€
You two lovebirds want to get a private roo.. forum? It's not like both of you are my bitches, and I can tell you what to do. OH WAIT, IT IS! And I really seem to be paying through my nose for it, so there will be cameras to compensate for the cost. PP people get a free viewing, for other people it's 5€

don't be jealous my love...

btw. "the wife" says she loves the complete concept.
so now we just need to make it happen :headbang:
At least "the wife" appreciates my artistic vision *tragic, tearful sniff*

You know what would be a great kung-foo-Baroque scene? Beating the tar out of a coin operated kids ride in the grocery store. For 1euro you get a mechanised adversary to throttle while blaring some early opera and screaming mezzo-soprano comments such as, "Haaaalt, you one trick pony! Advance no more! Thou shalt not be victorious as long as thy power is limited by 240V!". Then Kalle can step in as the guerilla saying, "Ah ha! In reality this is probably 600V on an AC motor!" and then I can wail an arpeggio about gear reductions and torque required for the obese youth of today...

At least "the wife" appreciates my artistic vision *tragic, tearful sniff*

well at least she appreciates your artistic visions.
she is always all too glad to stay away from my :D

though my artistic products are usually pretty gloomy and dark, so that might be a reason for it. :Smokin:
Aww! Poor Kentsu-kins! But you're such a sweet, fluffy, smiley person! Oh wait, you have a reputation to uphold on here... you're tough and scary and DOOM! :kickass: Maybe you should do a cheerful black metal album for children. I'm sure with some work you could growl out lines like, "Bunnies and puppies frolic in meadows" and "Kittens want to snuggle you under a blankie" :D

Today, however, I'm suffering cookie hangover and not perky at all. Eating a box of cookies and washing them down with two glasses of wine = :puke: