What is... ?

Originally posted by Morgana
Hehehe... that's right but my Norwegian suxxx :cry:
Actually first I'll learn Swedish and then I'll start with Norwegain.
I can read some and do understand a bit. but I just can't talk... :cry:

Lol, just keep practising that Håkon guy's name and
you'll know the language in no time! >:oP Hehehe....

I know some sentences;
Ich lebe für metal....? yeah? hehe....
Ich wohne in Norwegen.
Ich liebe dich. YA! >:oP

Something like that.... I'm far better at reading
German than I am at talking or understand
someone talking >:oP And yeah, I had German for
five years as well! I didn't learn anything! GO ME!!!!
Learning languages, aren't we??? :)

First, of utmost importance, if you wanna learn German that is, you gotta learn How to order a beer/whiskey/vodka/..., then go on with the insults :grin:

Ein Bier bitte! (means: One beer, please! subsitute "Bier" as needed with "Vodka" or "Whiskey" or any other alcoholic drink)

Noch n Bier! - You use this to repeat the positive effect of the firt expression :grin:

Biieer! Meehhrr Bieeer! - Try looking somehow drunken (Note: If you wanna appear like you can stand much alcohol, then don't use this phrase unless the 7th beer!!!

Einnnnaaa jeehtt noch, einaa jet noch reeeeeiin... or just singing the lyrics for Onkel Tom - Es gibt kein Bier auf Hawaii (Any other German drinking song is adequate!) - This phrase comes in handy at the end of your adventure through a German bar... repeat and modify as necessary (with phrases you catch up from other drunken fellows at the bar) until fading out!

So long, Cheerz!!

(You are now most likely fit to survival in Germany! 90% of it's population would recognize you as a German!!)