What I've been up to.


Mar 22, 2006
So you may have noticed/not cared that i haven't been on here much.
Well it's Largely due to me having worked my arse off the last few months and now having a nice little break.
I have recently been doing this...(probably makes more sense for english forumers)


Recorded it at a GREAT studio in Brighton called Brighton electric.
Quite possibly one of the most slutty in terms of gear session I've ever done.

Drums were recordered thusly

Kick - D6
Front of Kick - U47 fet (tasty)
Snare - i5 and km184
Toms - 421s
Hats - c451
Ride - km184
Oh's - U87s (oh yeah)
Room close - Royer 121's in Blumlein
Room Far - Coles 4038 (beautiful)

all into Api pres (other than the room mics which went to a focusrite red)
To an Otari Mtr90 Mk 2
some pics...




Oh yeah. Also used the desk a bit, a Neve 66, it was okay. but they just put a V3 in. yes

and as for outboard... holy shit.


Protools hd3 accel with SSL alpha Link and Delta link Converters (so clean and transparent)

Bass was u47+421+57
Recorded guitars with a 57, 421 and a u87. u87 on guitar is genius.
Used a funkwerk Leipzig on vocals, incredible old german mic.

Sorry that was probably a long post, but had to share how exciting the sesison was with you.
Drums recorded to tape are insanely good. I'm doing all my drums here from now on.
Appreciate that this isn't probably to most of yours taste.. but It was so Enjoyable!

sick man

definitely looove the distressor on bass but i never see many with that in their outboard gear

u87 is ace on alot of things but none of us can drop the money for it but definitely captures the tone you hear in the room
Judging from the video, it's going to sound uber awesome. How are the vocals?
Funny that you chose a D6 on the kick over say a good ole D12/14/20. But whatever works.
Judging from the video, it's going to sound uber awesome. How are the vocals?
Funny that you chose a D6 on the kick over say a good ole D12/14/20. But whatever works.

haha yeah.. Tbh the kick was 90% u47fet, i had the d6 for any attack and to get a bit more of a modern sound in there.

Vocals were great. we left them off the video so people couldnt audio hijack it.
jus done another mix of this.
It's amazing how little compression i ended up using on the close mics. Although i still annihilated the room mics
Just sounded way fatter without it. Gotta love tape.
Very very nice! Will have a listen later when I have a break, does it have any actual audio clips in the video you posted? Did you actually use 2x U87's for OHs? :O nice, I do have a U47 here and it's ridiculous, would love to have a go with a u87.
Whereabouts are you based dude? The studio I'm working for is building an enormous new studio at lockinge (near Wantage) in a partnership with David Tickle, should be ready by December or start of the next year, when that's ready you could come by and check it out, could be of interest for you to use it for some projects as well :) (If you're close enough obviously)

(just a simple rundown of some gear is something like, distressors, 3x 1176, la2as, la3a's, pultecs, neve 8816s, 1084s, ssl aws900+, a couple of vintage C12s :)O), etc etc, and not to mention the original Prince's tambourine hahah

Oh and it's in a massive estate, in a really really big house/mansion thing, that's gonna be re-built everything inside from the ground up.
yeah has the track running throughout sans vocals.
yep 2 u87s on Ohs. I tried to match the original mics where possible, mixed up with what was used on black ice and what we thought sounded good. 87s on overheads are beefy. Way too beefy for metal, but lovely for rock/hardcore.

Studio Sounds tasty! where on earth is wantage?
That's ace dude. It should do a fair bit for your career, I hope.

Love working at places like that too.

Also, the camera used to film that looks awesome. Gives everything the vibe of a pro documentary type deal.
YOU'll be fine Kev.

Nah honestly... lived there for 3 years and TBH you just don't go to gay clubs and it's not really ever an issue, unless you're some Insanely homophobic cunt