what kind of guitarist/drummer/bassist are you?

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
This is mainly directed for guitarists, but anyone can feel free to respond.

I was just wondering where you would classify yourself as a musician? This is almost impossible to measure, since everyone is unique. I was just curious.

Beginner -- A true beginner...you picked up the instrument last week.

Novice -- Been playing for a little while, you know some simple songs all the way through, limited skill though. Speed is building.

Intermediate -- You know quite a bit of songs, ranging from simple to more challenging, but still practice every day to get better. You can play a few leads, you have a quick picking hand and can alternate pick fairly well. You're an average player.

Good -- Only the most complex songs you find tough. You can just about play anything you hear, with a few mistakes that you'll work out while learning. You know and understand theory, and have a band currently trying to get signed. (These instances aren't limited to this, obviously...I'm just throwing out an average example. Just because you do or don't have a record deal doesn't make you good or bad.)

Professional -- You know John Petrucci, Satch, and Vai, and jam with them often.

I'd say I'm a solid intermediate, judging by this comparison.
I'll say

good for voice
Between intermediate & good for guitar and bass
but It depends of what kind of metal we're talking about
I mean everybody has its own style
I am somewhere between good and intermediate. And i play guitar. I havent tried to get my band signed yet (The Old Demo sucked!). We will record our new demo in January and then well will give it a try...
I'm intermediate. I used to be better than what I am now, because I've had to direct some effort to build a career in areas other than music.

Maybe I'd reach 'good' if I spent some time brushing up the skills and adding some regular practice, but after a look at the business, I realised that music isn't what I want for a profession.

I'm somewhere between Intermediate and Good. I haven't got enough patience to practise regularly enough to be Good, even though I play every day.
Between Intermediate and Good.

I can play most stuff I've come across but I'm not in a band.