what kind of guitarist/drummer/bassist are you?

Hmmm, This seems kind of like a arrogant thred...

I guess I would say I'm am(hopes doesn't get shit for this) Professional...

I don't know I'm in Summer Dying...We have played with bands such as Dimmu Borgir, In Flames, Iced Earth, Cannibal Corpse, Witchery, Arch Enemy, Darkane, Soilwork, Testament, Cryptopsy, The Haunted, The Crown, Killswitch Enage, Dark Tranquillity, Sentenced, Nile...quiet a few others as well.

I'm kind of friends with James Murphy, Paul Gilbert, Sharlee D'Angelo, Billy Sheehan...

I like to think am atleast a decent bassist...But Its a matter of Opinion i guess...

Bobby L. Bryant
I guess I'm good.

I can't just hear any MacAlpine lick and play it back perfectly.
I don't have a band because ther is no kids around my age that play metal here - LET ALONE PROG METAL:bah:
But I've got a pretty good understanding of theory.
I can play really fast in sweeps, alternative picking, legato, tapping. I'd say I'm as fast as (but nowhere near as good) as Vinnie Moore.
But I'm only 14 and I"m focused in learning and studding with my teachers and just developing until I'm readdy to get into the industry.