What kind of music do YOU listen to, Andy?


Eyes Wide Open
Nov 15, 2001
Bay Area, California
I used to intern at a recording studio in Woodstock, NY, and I know how sick one can get of the music one's producing or engineering (or both!), so I can only assume that you dont exactly break out Wages of Sin or The Gathering when you're in the mood for some music.

What kind of stuff DO you listen to on your time off, in the car, or whenever its your music time?
First of all, sorry for the delay in posting on this site, lap top got stolen a couple of weeks ago so I've had to get the ancient PC up and running.
As far as alternate listening...I usually listen to something I've done whilst driving, though it's usually someting from a few months previous, that I'm not working on at the time.
Metal all the way tho!!