since i don't feel like writing again....i will copy one of the explanations already can also check the site and download a video or a song to check...
uhmmm ok, let's see, how could I describe Asgaroth...uhmmm uhmmmmm
let's take Empreror, Immortal, Dark Throne and Burzum, then let's take put them in a bag, mix them well and throw them to the bottom of the river because they well damn suck!

And afterwards we can talk about Asgaroth from the scarcth. The only band I can really think of a "similar" evolution is Borknagar. They're not really similar, but both bands started as horrible pure black metal with the typical superfast drums, guitars and that horrible noice that they make to sound like vocals.
Then they started getting more melodical and ambiental, playing a loooot with keyboards and lowering the pace on the vocals reaching a mid-growl level which is much more healthy to me
And now (that is Redshift) Asgaroth is no longer a Death Metal band, but in some songs you can still heard the basis of it. It has lots of keyboards and huge number of different vocal registers.
I don't really know how to get deepper into a description of a band and also I wouldn't know how to label Asgaroth itself...I would suggest you consider them as a melodic death metal band with hints of black metal...
hope that helps...and hope to hear your opinion when you get the cd.
Also it would be amazing if you could post here a little review after the Milwaukee Metalfest concert. It definitely would be nice to know about it