What levels do you record at in digital?

James Murphy said:
no one said anything like that in this entire thread.:err:

Then what's this?- "record with your peak levels as hot as you can without clipping". What in the Lord's name did you mean by 'as hot as you can' and 'without clipping'?

James Murphy said:
this is what faders are for. :goggly:
If I record everything that I can from the start in a manner where the tracks somewhat mix themselves, then what's the harm? If I 'bloat' everything up, I would most likely then have to go for example "Hmm I guess I must decrease track two by 3db, and oh I guess then track one would have to go minus 1db and now track four and five will need a boost of 4db each and so on and so forth".

James Murphy said:
and with that the engineering world has been turned on it's ear and recordists the world over rush to their studios to start using the "Nitronium Blood 70% of the green bar" theorum.
No need for this. I never said I was great, and I simply cannot compare myself to regulars of this forum who achieve far better mixes than I most likely ever will. That statement is just my psuedo-solution to the never ending troubles of trying to make my 'bedroom-artistry' sound decent.

James Murphy said:
man, i hate to sound mean, but have you not been reading this forum for some time now?:guh:
I'm mainly here because Andy Sneap and James Murphy actually talk to the people here like regular people, because they want to. Something that just does not happen with other musical legends for whatever reason. Discussions about the latest drum triggers or fire-wire drives and vst plugins just do not apply to my life at this stage. Besides, the whole Eq and compression thing is just way over my head. The only awesome advice I have got from here was to get an EMG 85 in the bridge.

James Murphy said:
keep coming back bro... this forum would be a lot duller without ya. :p
Yeah yeah.
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
you need to get some of those finger strength exercisers, and work for many years to get the precision necessary.
yea i personally use the grip master wish is distributed by planet waves.

man i been liking these little guys lately. :Puke: :zzz: :rock: and then theres this dumbass :Smokin:
Moonlapse said:
I guess what James is saying falls in line with an article I read recently that explained that a sine wave, recorded at the lowest possible amplitude in a digital system actually becomes a square wave as you only have the one bit to represent the waveform. So it makes sense that the lower you record your signal, that the higher the relative distortion becomes.

So James, what you're essentially saying is that in a 24-bit system, if you were to record your signal at -77db (unlikely, I know, but just using it as a hypothesis), you'd really only be using 12-bits of resolution for it?
without doing the math, yes, something like that. as Gruesome mentioned.. you are still recording 24 bits... just your noise floor will be more audible... now refer back to my digital photo analogy.
Moonlapse said:
I guess what James is saying falls in line with an article I read recently that explained that a sine wave, recorded at the lowest possible amplitude in a digital system actually becomes a square wave as you only have the one bit to represent the waveform. So it makes sense that the lower you record your signal, that the higher the relative distortion becomes.

Like James said, it's relative to pixel depth, something with less pixels becomes less defined and more "blocky" so yes, thats pretty much it.
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
i use the waves G3 on all my fingers!

Just set it to "high res finger beef" and there you go.

Also: :muahaha:
also dont forget to stretch and massage before you are about to work out with that thing or even try your hands on the real thing(fader). something i learned in a john petrucci video, figured it would work well for this as well.:Shedevil:
Nitronium Blood said:
Then what's this?- "record with your peak levels as hot as you can without clipping". What in the Lord's name did you mean by 'as hot as you can' and 'without clipping'?
waaaah ha ha ha ha ha ha hlkdjq'pqpkldf..... huh.. catching my breath.... waaaaah lha hah ah a hahhaha!!! man, keeping digging that hole man...maybe you'll come out the other side of the world. i meant , nitro, exactly what i said.

Nitronium Blood said:
If I record everything that I can from the start in a manner where the tracks somewhat mix themselves, then what's the harm? If I 'bloat' everything up, I would most likely then have to go for example "Hmm I guess I must decrease track two by 3db, and oh I guess then track one would have to go minus 1db and now track four and five will need a boost of 4db each and so on and so forth".
what's the harm?? read my last few posts again.

Nitronium Blood said:
No need for this. I never said I was great, and I simply cannot compare myself to regulars of this forum who achieve far better mixes than I most likely ever will. That statement is just my psuedo-solution to the never ending troubles of trying to make my 'bedroom-artistry' sound decent.
maybe listen to what those others are telling you on here and your mixes might not be so much worse then everyone elses all the time.

Nitronium Blood said:
I'm mainly here because Andy Sneap and James Murphy actually talk to the people here like regular people, because they want to. Something that just does not happen with other musical legends for whatever reason. Discussions about the latest drum triggers or fire-wire drives and vst plugins just do not apply to my life at this stage. Besides, the whole Eq and compression thing is just way over my head. The only awesome advice I have got from here was to get an EMG 85 in the bridge.
my pleasure.

really nitro... seriously man... just... ahh, nevermind. keep rollin' like you roll. i truly do appreciate your being here bro.

Nitronium Blood said:
This sounds to me like:

"Johnny and his friends were two feet tall and wanted to buy their own personal 100 hectares of land for sporting activities. The property owners looked at the two foot tall Johnny and his friends and laughed at them saying "Haha boys you are just too small for a large block of land... we are just gonna give you 50 hectares, bye now." Jonny shouted "Hey, you can't do that WE PAID YOU GUYS FOR 100 HECTARES". The propery owners replied "Sorry boy, you and your friends just too small for this here field" as they walked away.

But if Johnny and his friends were 7 and a half feet tall it would be a different story. The propery owners would have looked at the 7-1/2 tall guys and said "we just know you are going to make full use of the 100 hectares because you guys are so big and strong, so here you go... full 100 hectares cause we know you will be all over the place".

Is this kind of what you're saying James?
ahhhhhhh,..... no.

are YOU trying to say that not recording low levels to digital is discrimination???

you need to stop while you're ahead... i mean while you still have a head.. lol. try reading up on this shit nitro... it's not "classified" information. you can find info on this freely. just look... i'm not going to argue this with you anymore. your stance right now tantamount to arguing the laws of physics with Sir Isaac Newton... argue all you want but the apple is still gonna fall off the tree and hit the ground. or your head.. even better.
James Murphy said:
ahhhhhhh,..... no.

are YOU trying to say that not recording low levels to digital is discrimination???

you need to stop while you're ahead... i mean while you still have a head.. lol. try reading up on this shit nitro... it's not "classified" information. you can find info on this freely. just look... i'm not going to argue this with you anymore. your stance right now tantamount to arguing the laws of physics with Sir Isaac Newton... argue all you want but the apple is still gonna fall off the tree and hit the ground. or your head.. even better.
No... not discrimination.

Look, nevermind. It just takes someone of the same obscure wavelength as myself to understand me.
Nitronium Blood said:
If I record everything that I can from the start in a manner where the tracks somewhat mix themselves, then what's the harm? If I 'bloat' everything up, I would most likely then have to go for example "Hmm I guess I must decrease track two by 3db, and oh I guess then track one would have to go minus 1db and now track four and five will need a boost of 4db each and so on and so forth".
by the way, the process you outlined above has a name... it called "mixing". look into it.
Nitronium, whats going on buddy, we all love ya but you're not makin much sense here. Look, just get the levels up there, don't clip it, use the full bit rate and pull your faders down, ie mix it.
hey Nitro,

don't take my comments to you in a negative way, they weren't intended as such... i will always "argue" back when i know someone has something wrong on here, if for no other reason than to make sure that some casual browser of the forum doesn't leave with something totally wrong-headed from the experience. this does not equal being "mean" or "nasty". it's meant to be in the spirit of well-meaning banter, not actual argument, and nothing more. as i said earlier, i appreciate you buddy. \m/
Would you buy a Ferrari and drive it in the first and second gear only???

Sure you will be able to drive slowly around town in a ferrari if you wanted to, but most definitely you'll want to take it to the 5th and 6th gear in the highway and take full advantage of it's power...Just don't crash it..:p :grin:

I'm a newbie myself and my main concern while working with the signal levels is Noise, whenever i recorded something at low levels i would end up having some kind of trouble later on( with gates and/or triggers), so, from my short experience: "record with your peak levels as hot as you can without clipping" TM

:p :grin: