What makes my POD sound less good when i go into nuendo with it?

Jun 2, 2005
Let me explain...

Last night, i was trying to get some mixing done, too warm i though, bla bla, anyway, i decided to play the guitar a bit, straight into the headphone input on the POD XT, instead of using the left output straight into the soundcard, into nuendo.

one thing i noticed straight away, it sound a lot better straight into the headphone input! i A/B'ed the two connections, and it just sounds a lot better...
Some patches that sound like shit in nuendo, sound great on the direct connection, and the other way around...

anyone with the same experience? any clue why there's a difference?

As far as I know the headphone signal has a different "voicing" than the left output. when I connect the headphone out into my soundcard it sounds fuller than the left output.

But i don't know why there is a different sound when you play direct over the monitors and over nuendo...strange....
hmm, I'm assuming the headphone out is stereo. The regular L output of your XT is mono. Maybe all you're hearing is a sum of the stereo output into your mono Audio track in Nuendo.

you are right,but even when I connect both outputs to my soundcard it sounds still not as good as when I connect via headphone
that is what I do...i always record via the headphone jack...

but i don't know why it sounds different if you play direct over the monitors or over nuendo....