What movie were anthrax in recently??


My folks were watching some movie about old ladies and they said anthrax were in it!? Then I remember, vaguely, an alpha mail about when Anthrax were touring w/ the Crue, they just happened to be at a pool where they were filming some movie w/ old chicks. My mom said "i know it's that band you like because that one dude with the awful goatee (scott) was with that handsome italian guy with hair like yours (charlie).
Some one posted that the special features of that DVD has more Anthrax in it.

I haven't seen it yet.
ThraxDude said:
Some one posted that the special features of that DVD has more Anthrax in it.

I haven't seen it yet.

it does, my mom has the dvd, its in the extra section " in the lounge with anthrax" Its Frankie, Scott, and John. Their part in the actual movie is 4 seconds long.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
Hey now. I rented that movie, and it didn't have any special features (I wasted a lot of time looking). Fucking Blockbuster. I bet I have to buy it, or something.

I cant remember if my moms copy was a 2 disc set. But she brought it over specifically to show me the Anthrax footage. She was all excited about it as I remember.
I watced it on PPV last week, not a bad movie. When the Anthrax scene came up my wife was like "thats only reason you wanted to watch this, because of Anthrax". I said no because "I like naked women of all types". :grin:
SCott308 said:
We got it on PPV, too, DD. I liked it. Not one I would want to watch several times, but it was pretty good.

Is it a chick flick? Looks like it...
ThraxDude said:
Is it a chick flick? Looks like it...
Yeah, it's a chick flick. Same thing happened to me that happened to DarbysDad. I agreed to watch it with my girlfriend knowing that Anthrax was in it. It's a long boring movie about a bunch of old ladies. Total Chick flick. After a while I thought maybe Anthrax wasn't even in it because I couldn't see why they'd be in the movie and then I guess it happened towards the end before I fell asleep. Charlie wasn't in it though I don't think unless there's another scene with them later on. I didn't watch much of it after the Anthrax scene and my girlfriend figured out why I didn't put up a screaming hissy fit when she suggested the movie.
Ok I gotta watch this..I avoided it like the plague, but now my interest of all things thrax has been alerted...lol at least tell me a few of the old chicks have nice racks still...lol
Gegadeth, thats funny, but gross, i downloaded the movie as i deemed it not worth buying cause it was about a bunch of naked old women. i tried to watch it so i could see Anthrax but i was too bored and grossed out to watch it all, about how many minute into the movie is it? if anyone actually knows.