What movies made you cry while or after watching?



I just saw the notebook, it's a very great love story and it's also a pity that stuff like that happens in real :(
Anyhow, I managed to find tears trickling down my face while watching it and thought this might be a good thread title to find out how emotional you guys/gals are.

last movie that made me cry.....edward scissorhands a few years ago. cocksucker fucking townspeople take advantage of him, use him, then discard him and he doesnt understand any of it. fucking people make me sick.
I started to get teary eyed at the end of Return of the King

other than that?

I've wanted to cry at various movies after kicking myself and realizing I paid eight bucks for a shitty movie
What Dreams May Come always gets to me a bit.

Like Pyrus though I generally react to music more than movies though (though occasionally an otherwise average emotional scene has been made ten times more powerful by a good score).

And as for music, Pain of Salvation gets to me more than anything. They are the puppet masters on the strings of my emotions.
I remember crying the whole time when I saw ET..I must have been 6 years old or something :ill:

But now I don't think I've cried because of a movie
I do cry at movies, but I can't remember which ones now... which makes me think that it wasnt serious at all...
I never cary at the end of "love movies" or something like that... its usually movies that have a huge effect on me, and godammit I can't remember any single one now....
many, i am the greatest cry baby when it comes to movies.
The most characteristic ones:
2001: A Space Odyssey, when the dying computer Hal, sings his song. Most touching scene ever imo.
The ending of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"
Lord of the rings: The Two Towers. When Treebeard says "Last march of the Ents".
In many monologues of "Wings Of Desire"
Endless list
I cried when Psock died at the end of Wrath of Khan.

Shatner's performance envoked such strong feelings in me.

what are you high? I dont' cry during movies..............because they are movies.
I get teery-eyed alot. Usually sacrifiices or scenes with powerful emotions get me. A few right off the top off my head:

21 Grams
More times than I can count during the LotRs trilogy also a few full-blown weeps.
I went and saw this really bad Jim Carey movie (the Majestic) a few years ago with a bass player and singer friend of mine..... they both cried when Jim's dad died. I still can't imagine crying at any Jim Carey movie.... but then again, I don't have a heart.

Last movie i cried at was Jackass, but only cause i was laughing so damn hard i had tears rolling down my face.