What Music Have You Bought Recently?


Sakara Records t-shirt, except this one says Saatana Perkele:p


Katatonia - Live Consternation (SIGNED!)


Ticket to PT show
^ nice buys.
on your first buy: some say that weather report with jaco was poor. and while some albums backup that point, i still think heavy weather is pretty great. teen town is one of my favourite pastorius compositions.
because it's worth it and I can get 3 for the same price of one moron blowing his money on a pack of cigarettes or buying a case of beer, so who cares.
$1.75 per CD sent to you. used CD trading. or the shop has new CDs generally for pretty cheap ($6.36 for Nick Drake - Bryter Later, for example), and there's amazon.com sellers, and decent prices occassionally show up on ebay.

it's the people that buy CDs at the mall or at retail price at all who are screwing themselves
well, if you have any CDs around at all that you don't have any use for anymore, lala is a good way of getting rid of them and potentially getting something you actually like in return for them (plus the $1.75 per each you receive of course, which is basically nothing), whether you care for buying CDs or not. just a thought