What Music Have You Bought Recently?

I just want to follow up the previous post with an update: all of those albums kick major ass! How have I not heard Massacre before? The Celtic Frost is superb and haunting. The new Testatment is more than I could have hoped for, and the Black Bonzo is like ELP meets Floyd by way of Genesis without sounding phony. And Earth? Beautiful! Highly recommended, all of them!
The latest Earth album is stellar! I was pleasantly surprised.
The other day I finally picked up Diabolical Masquerade Ravendusk in my Heart, Moonsorrow voimasta ja Kunniasta and Reverend Bizarre So Long Suckers. I have had my eye on those for a while.

José González - In Our Nature


Coldplay - Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends
Empyrium - Where at Night the Wood Grouse Plays

and, finally,

Nile - Ithyphallic

It took me some time to get into Nile, but I finally managed. They fascinated me since the first time I read about them here on the forum. But I needed some time to adjust my ear to the intensity of their music. Perhaps someone can give me some advise as to which of their albums is considered their masterpiece, ie. which I should buy next? Judging from allmusic.com my guess is "In their darkened shrines".
Nile - Ithyphallic

It took me some time to get into Nile, but I finally managed. They fascinated me since the first time I read about them here on the forum. But I needed some time to adjust my ear to the intensity of their music. Perhaps someone can give me some advise as to which of their albums is considered their masterpiece, ie. which I should buy next? Judging from allmusic.com my guess is "In their darkened shrines".

Yeah, that's a good one. I like Annihilation of the Wicked, myself. Took me a while to get into them, as well. I got Amongst the Catacombs of Nephren-Ka shortly after it came out, and couldn't handle it, tbh! I was in my death metal infancy, and it just sounded too crazy. In retrospect, I think it's their weakest effort, but that's to be expected.

They're pretty damn good live, if you ever get a chance to see them, btw.
tx, soundave and disease. the issue is settled, "in their darkened shrines" will be the next album i'll buy. and i won't wait long. I'll give ithyphallic a few spins and in a week or so, "shrines" will follow.

a side effect of listening to nile and empyrium is that it makes me enjoy watershed/opeth more again. bc, while not being as extreme as either of them opeth combine the power of both of those musical directions.
eMusic DL's:


Jeff Loomis - Zero Order Phase


Extol - The Blueprint Dives


October Tide - Grey Dawn


Diabolical Masquerade - Nightwork
So far, the Jeff Loomis is good. Only about 3 songs in. Basically, it sounds like Nevermore without Warrell Dane's vocals. So, for me, it's sort of better! WD sorta gets on my nerves after a while. In small doses, he's okay. But an album's worth of him is nearly too much for me. The guitar playing is top notch noodling, of course.
I've purchased a lot recently

Mono - One Step More and You Die
Mono - Walking Cloud and Deep Red Sky, Flag Fluttered and the Sun Shined
Mono - Gone: A Collection of EPs 2000-2007
Explosions In The Sky - All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone (2-CD edition)
Red Sparowes - At the Soundless Dawn
Red Sparowes - Every Red Heart Shines Toward the Red Sun (great song titles!)
Lustmord - Juggernaut
Lustmord - [Other]
Isis - Celestial
Isis - Panopticon
Isis - Mosquito Control
Isis - The Red Sea
Pelican - The Fire in Our Throats Will Beckon the Thaw (import edition with March into the Sea EP)
Made Out Of Babies - The Ruiner
Carcass - Heartwork (CD/DVD edition)
Striborg - Solitude
Marduk - Rom 5:12
So far, the Jeff Loomis is good. Only about 3 songs in. Basically, it sounds like Nevermore without Warrell Dane's vocals. So, for me, it's sort of better! WD sorta gets on my nerves after a while. In small doses, he's okay. But an album's worth of him is nearly too much for me. The guitar playing is top notch noodling, of course.

Dude Warrel is one of the very best vox in metal, and certainly writes the best lyrics. Loomis is great within the confines of Nevermore, but on his own I'd expect a lot of guitar wank. I haven't heard it though so I could be wrong...
Dude Warrel is one of the very best vox in metal, and certainly writes the best lyrics. Loomis is great within the confines of Nevermore, but on his own I'd expect a lot of guitar wank. I haven't heard it though so I could be wrong...

Something about his penchance for certain intervals... and, I don't know. I just have a thing. I know he's got talent. I like him in small doses. Actually LIKE him. But after a while, I get annoyed. Just being honest. It may not make sense.

The album is surprisingly more tatseful than I imagined it would be. Not just full shred ahead. It breathes. It's good.