What Music Have You Bought Recently?

Deathspell Omega- Kenose
Deathspell Omega- Fas
Akercocke- Deeds
Akercocke- Antichrist
Ulver- Bergtatt
I've got the vinyls of smrc, kenose and fas which are all beautifully presented. Fas and SMRC come with a nice big poster of the front cover and Kenose comes with a 40 page (vinyl size) booklet with all the lyrics and extended artwork. Well worth it iyam especially kenose it looks fantastic.
I srlsy need to start collecting vinyls......... yes.
Same, well I need to collect more. I have about 600 cds and about 200 vinyls. But like 125gb of music hahah. But if I bought all the cd/vinyls I want I'd be pretty out of pocket. I usually buy 1 cd or vinyl a week, that way I look forward to it, not spend anything that financially rapes me and keeps my music collecting obsession at bay.
Van Canto - A Storm To Come
Dark Suns - Swanlike
Dark Suns - Grave Human Genuine
Nile - In Their Darkened Shrines
Nick Drake - Bryter Layter

I tried out Edge Of Sanity aswell, but it didn't click yet. I also tried out Deathspell Omega via MySpace and I must say that it is the best black metal I have heard so far. Sadly, it is not available on iTunes, and I don't want to buy the CD's.