What Music Have You Bought Recently?

if you've got a home theater system, it's stunning. especially if you're stoned

Well, I know there's an argument that EVERTHING sounds better stoned. I'm sure there's psychoacoustic research that could explain why. I know a few people who used to mix stoned, which I think is supremely stupid for a number of reasons, but the best being that your mix will ultimately sound worse. It's like mixing on monitors that are super bottom-heavy. What happens when you listen on normal speakers? No fucking bass. If the music sounds a certain way (better) when you're stoned, take away being stoned and what do you have?

Anyhow... my getting stoned and listening to music days have long since passed.

I am still curious, btw, if any of the "golden ear" folks from the audio test thread can enlighten me about their experience with SACD. Bumble particularly, as I know he has a good ear and can articulate himself well when writing about sound--which is hard. Zappa once said that writing about music is like dancing about architecture. Sounds about right.
The whole Teldec Bach 2000 Edition (150+ cds of all of J S Bach's works) on two Russian pirate DVDs.
I had no idea that it was this edition when buying the DVDs. I was expecting crappy performances when I saw the cheapo pirate DVD covers in Russian, not the awesome ones here. This is the luckiest buy of my life.

I'm filled with envy:worship:

Bach is my alltime favourite, man!
Well, I know there's an argument that EVERTHING sounds better stoned. I'm sure there's psychoacoustic research that could explain why. I know a few people who used to mix stoned, which I think is supremely stupid for a number of reasons, but the best being that your mix will ultimately sound worse. It's like mixing on monitors that are super bottom-heavy. What happens when you listen on normal speakers? No fucking bass. If the music sounds a certain way (better) when you're stoned, take away being stoned and what do you have?

Anyhow... my getting stoned and listening to music days have long since passed.

I am still curious, btw, if any of the "golden ear" folks from the audio test thread can enlighten me about their experience with SACD. Bumble particularly, as I know he has a good ear and can articulate himself well when writing about sound--which is hard. Zappa once said that writing about music is like dancing about architecture. Sounds about right.

wow amazing zappa quote there, haha.

well, i always thought the reason why you enjoy music more while stoned is the speed of train of thought...which is slightly faster in that stage. thats why you appreciate details and such more. it might sound stupid, just a thought.

but of course there's also the home theater system...from (at least) four different speakers all around the corners of the room...DSOTM is a very layered album so it works perfectly fine on such a system. but then of course mumblefood will be much more articulate than me.
Golden Dawn - The Art of Dreaming
Through the Eyes of the Dead - Bloodlust
Gorod - Neurotripsicks
oh yeah and some lullaby versions of Radiohead, Coldplay and Pink Floyd.

np: The Amenta - Occasus
better than killswitch in what regard? as in i like them more than killswitch? theyre 2 different types of bands.

and no, i dont hate everything ending in "core". ive just always said most bands that are "core" arent very good. same as most metal bands arent very good. and most rock bands arent very good. and most punk bands arent very good. and most rap isnt very good. and most country isnt very good. and most everything isnt very good.

stop trying to prod. its not going to work.
stop trying to prod. its not going to work.

And what am I trying to prod out of you? It was a pretty straighforward question. I never heard the band, saw them labeled as metalcore, as is Killswitch , so thought I'd ask for a quick comparison. You say they're different, ta-da. Then you clarified that it isn't all "core" bands that suck, just most just like most bands in general suck. I'll have to agree with that.

But don't think I'm prodding because of it. You need to take a chill pill.

EDIT: Oh, and Going for the One is awesome. If you haven't already, continue buying every other Yes album, Zed.
And what am I trying to prod out of you? It was a pretty straighforward question. I never heard the band, saw them labeled as metalcore, as is Killswitch , so thought I'd ask for a quick comparison. You say they're different, ta-da. Then you clarified that it isn't all "core" bands that suck, just most just like most bands in general suck. I'll have to agree with that.

But don't think I'm prodding because of it. You need to take a chill pill.

EDIT: Oh, and Going for the One is awesome. If you haven't already, continue buying every other Yes album, Zed.

the format of your question seemed like the usual prog-snob rhetoric i get from most people on here every day lately, so i apologize for jumping to conclusions. anyway, i do recommend checking them out. very interesting and quality stuff.
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I will definitely check them out. Btw, who are prog-snobs and what exactly does that mean?

the prog bandwagon this forum has...

which is essentially ex-metalheads who a couple years ago came to the realization that Mikael Akerfeldt (their idol) has a big passion for progressive and psychadelic music from the 60s and 70s. that combined with his "my taste is superior to everyone elses" approach to interviews and speaking of his influences, was enough to kick start most of the kids in question to basically change their entire musical interest criteria and format to emulate their idol. shifting from enjoying metal and rock music for what it is, they now strictly listen to classic rock, progressive rock, obscure scandanavian folk, or metal bands which are forward thinking and "progressive" in nature. as well as anything else mikael may care to mention along the way in an interview or on stage, deeming it acceptable at that time (for instance the scott walker phenomenon of more recent times).

basically, long story short...its a handful of people with low self esteem who have latched on to a genre of music as their basis of knowledge, taste, pride and interest. while shooting down anything else that doesnt fit within that circle of acceptable bands and styles...regardless if they admit to liking outside genres or not.