what Peter's voice do you like the most?


Jan 15, 2005
The Disclosure
ok here are the choices :

the clear voice (ie Slippin away, All turns black, Paled Empty Spheres)

low growling death metal voice (ie A Coming race, Inquire Within)

the high pitch screetching voice (ie Fusion programmed mind, Shamateur)

the mixed voices (ie Elastic inverted visions, Until the end)

the "normal" Peter's voice (ie Eraser, Fire in the Sky)


ps : btw by mixed voices I mean two voices track at the same time, not a song featuring two different types of voices in two different sequences :)
i like his deep vocals and his high ones and also the clear ones there the ones i like the most
Difficult question :-) For me, the variety of his voices is "the salt in the soup", but if I have to pick only one, I'd go for the high pitch screeting voice.

Supernova said:
ok here are the choices :

the clear voice (ie Slippin away, All turns black, Paled Empty Spheres)

low growling death metal voice (ie A Coming race, Inquire Within)

the high pitch screetching voice (ie Fusion programmed mind, Shamateur)

the mixed voices (ie Elastic inverted visions, Until the end)

the "normal" Peter's voice (ie Eraser, Fire in the Sky)


ps : btw by mixed voices I mean two voices track at the same time, not a song featuring two different types of voices in two different sequences :)
Man, this has to be the hardest question for me to answer. I love all of peter's vocals! He knows what fits the mood of the song and thats what makes him so awesome. IMO, he is the most versitile vocalist in death metal. He can do it all! I want to hear more clean voice on the new one though. There were parts of The Arrival i was hoping to have some clean vocals.
Supernova said:
ok here are the choices :

the clear voice (ie Slippin away, All turns black, Paled Empty Spheres)

low growling death metal voice (ie A Coming race, Inquire Within)

the high pitch screetching voice (ie Fusion programmed mind, Shamateur)

the mixed voices (ie Elastic inverted visions, Until the end)

the "normal" Peter's voice (ie Eraser, Fire in the Sky)


ps : btw by mixed voices I mean two voices track at the same time, not a song featuring two different types of voices in two different sequences :)

Tagtgren's classic high pitch screams, ala Roswell 47, along with his brutal growls like those on Inferior Devoties and Bloodbath's Nightmares Made Flesh are what make Tagtgren a force in metal.

oh and btw, his vocals on "Eraser" are only normal for a gay bar jukebox, as they are not normal for Tagtgren or for good metal.
the high pitch shrieks! the best is on Nightmares cause there's so much death vocals and you miss the other styles, then it's all the sudden you get a shriek and you're like woah. especially at the end of Soul Evisceration YAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!

no but of course the songs have different emotions from the varied styles. so they should be kept mixed. to tell you the truth when the S/T came out and i was hearing some songs on the radio, i thought there was more than one vocalist. then i got the disc and realized it was just him.
great answers guys!
as for myself I havent answered my own question cuz, frankly cuz it would have been I LUV THEM ALL :tickled: :grin:
and I agree with those who said that the wide array of voices Peter owns makes them voice's tone even better! this guys simply has the BEST vocals ever, and like if it wasnt enough , he plays 7 string guitars, he play synths...he produces..and you know the rest :loco: AMAZIN'

for the next album, I wish more growling like in..LIES and more clean voices like in Disconnected magnetic corridors :grin: of course we can expect the high shrieking to be quite present! :rock:
I can screech, play guitar - bass - vocals and piano and synths, and I have recorded a lot of my own material.... why don't you people love me? :(

I'd have to say his lowest growls equal my favorite..
i love his deep growls there amazing there better than special mate, u probly never heard bloodbath then have u?
I've always found his higher-pitched scream (as heard in songs such as "Roswell 47", "Mental Emotions" and "Abducted") to be the most effective vocal approach in conjunction with Hypocrisy's music. Hypocrisy's best songs feature this approach. His deep death vocals are adequate for sure, but I've noticed that this approach is used mostly on the weaker Hypocrisy tracks (especially on much of The Fourth Dimension) and his clean voice works competently enough to communicate through the songs in which they are used, not as a driving force, but more as an atmospheric element ("Drained", "Slippin Away" "Request Denied").
actualy the fourth demensoin is realy good he coudnt do his \high vocals and u start to miss the deep vocals when he just dose high one and there more than adquete there the best deep vocals ive ever heard and especialy on the fourth demensoin
heh webster Im currently listening to Nightmares made flesh for the first time
I admit Peter's vocals in that one are fucking awesome!

overall I think I like peters vocals in Hypocrisy better cuz of the variety BUT one or two songs for the next album with vocals like in Bloodbath would be fucking appreciated! :rock:

and overal nightmares made flesh is pretty good!
That is a hard question there all really good but i like his Black Metal vocals (high screetching vocals) and his clean. Can NE one tell me if pain "nothing ramains the same" is ne good