What plugins will I want for Pro Tools HD?


Apr 19, 2007
Sacramento, CA
I am getting an HD system tomorrow.

It will be an HD4 Expanded system with Pro Tools HD 6.9.

I will probably want to install 7.3 software pretty quickly.

But I will most likely have NO plug-in's. :waah:

I don't know if Pro Tools HD 6x/7x has any standard plugs like Cubase or Nuendo comes with as far as basic dynamics, compressors, limiters, gates, reverbs, chorus, delay and EQ's.

I feel like if I get the system with no Plugs I will feel stuck. :zombie:

So I might have a resource to get a good deal on Digidesign plugins that would normally come with say an HD3 bundle.

Normally it would have the HD Pack, BombFactory Free Plugins, Ignition Pack and DigiRack plugs.

So what I want to know, is out of those bundled plugs, which ones are usefull and should I try to get?

I found that some of the BF plugs could be downloaded for free on the Digidesign website. Ignition Pack may not turn out too useful. The HD pack could get more pricey so I am wondering which ones might be good. Some of the choices there I saw that might be useful were:

Bomb Factory BF-3A
Fairchild 660/670
Focusrite d2/d3
Joemeek SC2 Compressor
Joemeek VC5 Meequalizer
Reverb one
Sansamp PSA-1
Sound Replacer

Alot of the DigiRack plugins look usefull for getting started.

Any advice is appreciated.
reverb one and sanamp are the only ones id use out of that.
Buy MH labs channelstrip,
that thing is AMAZING"!!!!! and very dsp effecient
congrats btw , thats a tasty rig.
HD is amazing.

7 band eq is really useful, d verb rules! SMACK! might be included too and thats a pretty awesome plugin.
oh yeah and vst to rtas adaptor is rather handy