JayKeeley said:Honestly, though, I just don't see the problem!!
Demilich said:pretty much the only problem i have with anyone is when i percieve that they think other people should think like them
sums up most of the arguments ive started or involved myself in around here lately
ideally, i should leave people alone and let them think what they want, but i like to try to provide a bit of a challenge to this mentality that annoys me so much.
I know, half the time I'm never an option, you poll creating retardsJayKeeley said:^
Hey at least you made it to the poll.
EDIT: At lizard.
Erik said:i demand more votes
Reign in Acai said:The rest of us, while good...are expendable.![]()
MadeInNewJersey said:I can't believe I'm the only one who voted for D_L
JayKeeley said:I think it's called "paranoia".![]()
Henrik Main said:When did she become an essential?
Thanatopsis123 said:This thread is gay and an obvious cause of the general degradation of society.
Erik said:actually gay is voting for someone just because they're a girl
though admittedly, that's far fucking better than the NAD circlejerk (as cool as NAD is)
I'm so stupidMadeInNewJersey said:correction: HOT girl
I realize it's unfamiliar territory for you, so back to your cock & ball jokes
Erik said:actually not really but yeah maybe go back to telling yourself shelley is pretty (i mean you're nearing 30 aren't you, i realize time is catching up with you and you don't want to die alone) and i'll go back to my hot swedish girls how's that sound to you
yeah and i'll punch your teeth down your throat as a special bonus