wow, I went to the gym and for some errands, and I come back
and this thread is like 675675676 pages!
hmm.... to be honest, I don;t know why I'm there either...
I mean, I just started posting "full time" again... but thank you
for Mark for the one vote!
Lizard, dammit.... :Smug:
and yeah I see Ellis at local shows, Ellis rules

he def should be there on the poll!
I'm 5'8"
lets see... what else?
oh, I voted for Tilla just because I love so many quality posters here
in the short time I got to know you, that I can't decide
Dick Sirloin said:
I told Dead Lioness to come here 3 years ago... she posted for a month, then promptly withdrew in fear
True! You were the one! (with your old nick)
But I didn't stop posting because I was "scared"
I posted here and there... and I did lurk daily.
anyhoo, beer anyone?