Erik said:
cheap shots are what i do
also i speak to hot swedish girls a lot more than you would think but i don't post 9099 threads on RC being all giddy and "omg sheeley is sooooo cute^___^" because if the internet has taught me anything, it's that posting stuff & pictures about girls you like WILL come back to bite you in the ass
No, you're wrong (as is often the case, but none of the faggots around here ever bother to call you out on it).
Cheap shots aren't "what you do." Deflecting your own literally miserable life and complete dissatisfaction with pretty much everything that surrounds you, including the own pathetic ramblings that plague your head, onto other people, is what you do. In all my years of real world and even internet interactions, you're a rare breed, and that's saying something. A completely negative punk who oh-so-often falls back on the "oh but I was only kidding" bullshit when really, you're simply just not much of a man. I have 100% confidence that you'd never be this way when actually speaking to people, but then again, you don't really speak to people. You hate everything about your life and yourself, you think you've made some huge stride because you semi-self-diagnosed yourself as depressed and a handful of teenage morons on some internet forum told you to get help. For fuck's sake man, quit being a fucking pussy all the goddamned time and actually do something about it. Because you know what? You actually used to be a fairly decent person. But now? You've become near-intolerable. And if you think I'm the only person who thinks this around here, well think the fuck again.
And since you're petty little mind seems to think that this is really about me being defensive about Shelley, for christ's sake Erik, so you really fucking think I give 1 little shit what some scrawny black metaller from Sweden thinks about me or my life? LOFL, for real, you shit. I'm confident enough in my own doings that I don't really have to worry about that sort of thing.
In actuality, this was really just a perfect opportunity to knock you down a peg or 3, since if anyone on this planet needs a wake-up call more badly than you, I'd like to meet that person. I find it hard to believe a more pathetic individual exists.
So go on, I'm sure you've got all sorts of wildly clevel quips all loaded up. Or maybe you'll even get serious for once and "really let me have it now." You'll have your usual ooompa support, and this thread will now take off in another 5 page tear. Woopty-fucking-do.
Just not, I see through your immature bullshit. Grow the fuck up and why not try on manhood for a change.