What!!!!!! Real Metal comes to Edmonton???



Last Friday I went and saw Kataklysm and Into Eternity. Fucking great show. I was partially deafened for the next day due to the fact that I was standing right next to the PA Speaker and holding onto the stage monitor to support myself while headbanging. Ahhh, nothing like a good deathmetal show to kick off your weekend.
Well, telus are a bunch of assholes because they are 2 weeks late in hooking up my internet (its still not up, im on a shared computer) so I just thought... Hey, Will's backyard BBQ from hell was yesterday, lets see if he posted some pictures. and now its led into a diabolical frenzy of mashing the gargantuan ton of spam amassed in my inbox, replying to week old email and generally trying to resist the urge of reading through two weeks of threads that I missed.... But yeah, im doing alright... fucking university homework sucks though. I usually have a couple of hours a day (not an exaggeration). Why the fuck did I decide to become a fucking engineer?