What Should We Call the New Street Team. VOTE NOW!!!


Sanity Assasin
Feb 4, 2002
Visit site
As you know a group of us are setting up a nevermore street team which will have a website being made by PoisonGodMachine. There has been alot of interest shown into this with alot of people willing to help which is great but we need a name for ourselves.

Out of all the names that have been floating around for various things such as the message board, newsletter and the team name itself the two out standing names are

Electric Funeral and Sanity Assasins.

Please vote for the one you like best and please feel free to name some of your own and if they get a good response, they will then go onto challenge the winner of this vote.
Don't you mean Electric Religion? isn't Electric Funeral the Sabbath song heh, anyways i vote for Electric Religion as of now, maybe I'll think of another idea though...
Hey Poison God and PoisonGodmachine, I use to put "I AM THE DOG" as my signature after ZANEX. But, I changed it to "ENEMY OF REALITY" because I dislike certain things about reality. Don't get me wrong. I love life, music, sex, and partying, but I don't think there is enough hours in a day to accomplish what I want to do. Sometimes, I think this world is BullShit with how commercialized everything in America is and how the government and judicial system is fucked up. The majority of politicians are out for themselves and I believe its "how much $ a person has and who you know, and who you blow". Examples: (O.J. Simpson, Gary Condit, Bill Clinton, Jon Benet Ramsey's parents. All are damn crooks and have got away with murder, More or less). I'll quit bitching. But my vote is for SANITY ASSASINS. Other ideas include ENGINES OF HATE, HEART COLLECTORS, AND LOTUS EATERS. Electric Funeral is a Sabbath song. I like 7 Tounges Of God for a name of a newsletter or the Team. Cheers.
AHHHHHH! It's Electric Religion!
WD chants it over and over at the end of Timothy Leary.
I think it's a good name because it sounds really powerful. Plus Warrel is always telling his fans to start their own religion. So know we can tell him we have!:D
Sanity assassin is good, the first song I ever heard of Nevermore.
But if it's going to be informative, and people are gonna meet, "The seven Toungues of God" is pretty good too.
Out of the two, I'd pick Sanity Assasins. The term assasin(s) at least implies a person or people, and is therefore better to describe a team or group of people. Electric religion doesn't fit in that sense.
Heh, sorry man...Electric Religion isn't bad...I guess when I hear that, I don't automatically associate it with Nevermore. To someone who isn't familiar with Nevermore, it would sound more like the name of a doom/sabbath/stoner site or something. Anyway, that's just my opinion...
Wow MSC, straight to the point this time, eh?

There still is no poll posted yet. I don't care either way, I'm just too lazy to collect all the names and poll them.
It looks like Sanity Assasins is the peoples favourite for the street team name. Although it is it doesnt mean its certain, it gives us an idea.

This is a seperate topic that will give us room to discuss names and make it easier to progress.

So Far we have

The Seven Tongues of God - Newsletter
Garden of Gray - Website name
Sanity Assasins - Steet team name

After all its down to PGM to choose as hes making for website but at least it will let vylance know what names to use for designing certain titles.

Then theres all the other mentioned names that could well have part such as Electric Religion.

Would PGM like to confirm the 3 titles above so we can move to the next step, until then lets wait to see how the voting goes for now