What song do you like for which situation, feeling?

same here blackspirit....if one thread is beyond first page, lost it is!!!! I don't know if that's lazyness or what...but well I just find myself unable to dig in past threads...that's mostly why I don't start new threads!

fathervic (lazyass)
Now, now, no reason for anger, it's done anyway... let's smoke the peace-pipe *cough cough* Did I mention I'm non-smoker *cough*

It's interesting to read what songs express one's feeling in certain situations :)
I'm a non-smoker too... I won't even try the stuff.

As for other emotions, I listen to Godflesh when I am intensely angry (not just really angry, but snarling angry) and very hateful.

I like listening to Kyuss and related bands or Tina Turner when I am happy...
Originally posted by Morgana
I just become lazy when I have to write things down over and over again, then I just remind people where to find certain posts...

There is still an overview on the Vintersorg forum and it does not take long just to read the titles of the threads...

Yeah, I agree with you on this >:oP
Doublestandards here or something...
But this forum is still quite young, and in the
beginning we were very few people posting,
starting about one new thread every other
week >:oP Hehe... So there aren't much to
dig through... It's worse on the Opeth-forum!
But, I still don't like reading threads that are
miles long which I have not written a single
word in yet >:oP
I don't mind having to re-write stuff... that is possibly because I have a fast typing speed. I am also a bit lazy and don't look through older posts... (on some boards it's pointless to look through the older stuff since there are possibly hundreds of new topics created per day).

I also feel like I am disrupting the "flow" of some boards by bringing up topics that are weeks, or months, old... so I sometimes decide not to express my views on older topics. I occasionally start new threads dealing with old subjects on some "faster" boards, too...