What style is the next album?


Reaching the infinity
Feb 8, 2003
Alpha Centauri
Visit site
mr. V,

What style will reign in the next album? Something more like the Visions, something like the Cosmic Genesis(my favourite) or something more folk like the Ödermarkens son(it seems like you have really forget about that kind of music)?

This are other questions that i would like to know too...

Will Vintersorg or any other of your bands play on the Viking-Evening?
And, do you know a viking metal band called Lumsk?
I guess it is mix of KoRn and Limb Bizkit.

NP: Dark Tranquillity - On you time

RealHazard, the truth and nothing but the truth.
It's a good mixture of old and new ingredients I guess, imagine "Visions .....with more extravaganza, add some folky vibe and eerie feelings, then take two grains of "Cosmic..., a spoon of the earliest material, put it in the owen for a while. Then put it in you Cd player, and have a big bite, it'll take you some time to digest, but I feel that it's very addictive.

mr V
Well, i guess you have clear up my mind... About the other questions:
1) I have saw your website and theres nothing there about the viking evening(aaaaahhhhhh :erk:)
2) And abaout Lumsk... you could answer if you want... and if you don't know yet, i really recommend it. They are great(of course they are no mr. V, but... ;))

By the way, good luck on your next album. I know you wont need any luck ,but anyway... Keep up the good work and rock on!!! :rock:
Vintersägen said:
2) And abaout Lumsk... you could answer if you want... and if you don't know yet, i really recommend it. They are great(of course they are no mr. V, but... ;))

I actually think there was once a recommendation of Lumsk on the official Otyg site. I am not 100% sure though.
anderZ said:
I actually think there was once a recommendation of Lumsk on the official Otyg site. I am not 100% sure though.

Yep, you are 100% right...:)
I really don´t care for their style though. Thought that they would sound more like Otyg, but their music was more in the vein of Storm...