What the heck should i do?


^^ Why-Lee^^
Sep 19, 2007
Right heres the scoop....Ive got a new comp for recording and i want to step it up and make the guitars sound ALOT better. As of right now im using a pod xt with the metal patches n stuff and its doin an ok job just not really got any good lead tones but for riffs n stuff its great....NEWAYS....I need a usb interface to get this thing cookin so im thinkin my options are an m-box or someother type deal but i guess my man question here is...Is pro-tools LE worth the buy on the m-box? is there a better alternative?
i think the apogee duet with LOGIC looks cool if you have a MAC? Otherwise alot of guys are using the presonus firepod with nuendo, sonar or cubase. This gives you the option to use free VST plugins without using a wrapper like you'll have to get if you get pro tools because pro tools only uses RTAS plugins without a VST wrapper.
i dont have a firewire port :/ i guess i can see ur point there alot of ppl use nuendo but its a video editing suite :S i dont get it lol do presonus do a usb version of the firepod?

Nuendo is a full-fledged DAW, not just for video editing. it is geared more towards post, though.

if you want to use something Nuendo-ish but without the video aspect, check out Cubase. Steinberg also makes a very Garageband-ish DAW called Sequel now. you might give that a look.