What type of POD distortion should I get?


May 15, 2007
Im gonna buy a POD near the 50$ range tomorrow, and was wondering if anyone could give me a heads up on what type I should get.

I want a POD that can give me a sort of black metal guitarish tone, such as Immortal's song "Solarfall" or anything from At the heart of winter or Sons of the northern darkness

This will be for a bass, but I really dont think that would change anything that much

Amp: Peavy Max 158 bass amp

Pics would be appreciated, if you can't thats fine :)

Many thanks, brakk

-I am a complete noob when it comes to this, I dont even know if there is one type of POD or not, I just dont want to be completely clueless when I go and buy one tomorrow
This will be for a bass, but I really dont think that would change anything that much

So you want to play it with a bass, but look for a guitar-tone? Got you right?

I think I don´t get what you´re after at all. But anyways, Daunt (user) showed us, that you don´t need too expensive equipment to get a nice guitar-sound to start with... so I´d probably recommend no Pod at all.
a pod xt is $299.99 new and if you want to play bass on it you could try to use one of the models on that or get the bass expansion pack which is another $100. you could probably get the pod for around 200 or 150 on ebay that might even have a model pack on it. im not sure how much a pod 2.0 is. just go to line6.com and read about them.
I don´t know those songs of your post, as I am not into black metal.
But anyway, this song clip here was recorded with the Treadplate model (first POD Mesa simulator) on guitars and bass.
So if I bought this, it wouldn't work well at all with my bass?

and I think this is the one I was looking for.. how much are these usually?


I have a bass and want this distortion to record a song since I don't have a guitar player
So if I bought this, it wouldn't work well at all with my bass?

and I think this is the one I was looking for.. how much are these usually?

I have a bass and want this distortion to record a song since I don't have a guitar player
That's a POD 2.0
'Bout $50 on eBay - maybe a bit more
You can't upgrade with the bass pack (or the other packs) - need a Pod XT or XTL for that
Yes you could get a passable tone on bass, but nothing outstanding.

Why not get a Bass pod 2.0 if you're only using it for bass?

Edit: just saw this part:
I have a bass and want this distortion to record a song since I don't have a guitar player
I think it would sound more like a distorted bass track than a simulated guitar part.
yeah you're not going to get a bass to sound like a guitar. Only thing to do really is buy a guitar and learn how to play it or have a guitarist play for you.
Well the guitar shop turned out to not even carry PODs, so I ended up getting a B1x Zoom, a guy let me test it out and I liked it a lot :)