What was the first Theocracy song you heard?


Dec 13, 2011
Self-explanatory title.

The first Theocracy song I ever heard was Martyr. That song was so awesome that I just had to buy Mirror of Souls. A little later I ordered the first album. Then before you know it, I heard that they were coming out with a new album and it just blew the others out of the water.
Same here, first song I heard from them was Martyr, and the second "The Writing in the Sand". Instant win for me :D
Laying the demon to rest :D I was looking up various christian bands on wikipedia and looked theocracy up on playlist, and clicked the first song.
Mountain. My husband was looking for us some new music. He came across Theocracy. Mountain was the first song he played for me. We bought the album and everything else since.
The first song I heard was the Serpent's kiss. I somehow found it (don't remember how or where) and I was stuck. unfortunately I haven't been able to get the first album though.
It was either "Oh Come Oh Come Immanuel" or "Theocracy" that I heard first. At the time I was new to metal but listened to Kamelot and the old Apocalyptica stuff but wanted to get to know some good christian metal bands to start digging the genre the - may I say - safe way. A classmate of mine made up a pretty awesome list and of course Theocracy was on it. Looked 'em up on Youtube and have been loving this music ever since...
Way back when, I only knew Theocracy through a review and the three 30-second samples that were available on the website: Ichthus, The Serpent's Kiss, and Mountain. Eventually somehow I downloaded Mountain in its entirety and it was, of course, awesome. Six months after first reading that review and hearing of Theocracy, I decided to order the CD, and the rest is history.
It was either "Prelude" or the original Christmas medley.

I'm pretty sure I bought the first album based on it being Christian power metal without having heard a single note, other than possibly the Christmas medley. I got the debut in January 2004, so I am thinking I may have downloaded the Christmas medley in December 2003.
I can't remember, but it had to have been way back before Matt released the self-titled. I probably heard about Theocracy on the Christian Metal Realm, and I'm sure it was a myspace sample, or something like that. Regardless, I was impressed and when the s/t came out, I snagged one right quick-like.

On Eagles' Wings. My first thought was, "Geez that guy sings kinda high."
I didn't like it at first, but it slowly grew on me. Now they're one of my favorite bands. Go figure.
^ haha, welcome Trinitial, too.
Actually, I was never welcomed... :/

On Eagles' Wings was the first Theocracy song I ever heard, as I mentioned in another discussion. It was the chorus and that powerful key change that I instantly loved. And the epic, insanely high vocals.
I think It was either martyr or eagle's wings on youtube. I got MoS soon after, and a friend (who I introduced to theocracy) managed to get me the s/t album for my birthday the next year.