agreed once again.When drinking budweiser every sip is the worst
Sometimes I just down the last bit, like a man no matter how bad I know it's gnna taste.... and then I feel sick for a little bit the only cure is to open another beer. And other times if it's been sitting there a bit I'll just dump it. Depends on the beer really.agreed
True.When drinking budweiser every sip is the worst
i've always been told beer is an acquired taste. if so i haven't acquired it, i hate beer. i love liquor tho.
Beer is for going out and having a good time at a cheap price, to get a slight buzz over the course of a few hours. It is by no means the proper way to get drunk. Liquor is the RIGHT way to get shitfaced. Beer only takes longer to be buzzed and more trips to the bathroom. I don't drink vodka though. Everyone has their drink that turns them into a fucking moron, for some its tequila, others it's JD... for me it's vodka. If I get drunk on vodka... bad things happen
But I don't even drink anymore period. The last actual few beers I drank was with Jaska and Johan backstage in december.
You clearly don't know how to drink beer then .
Back in the day, spend my $10 allouance on a 40 of OE or Colt 45, down it in 5 minutes and you are good to go.....Some things of my childhood, I don't miss.