What was your fav film of 2009


Aug 5, 2009
Well as the topic says

What was you fav film of 2009 and what film are you looking forward to watching this year

Inglourious Basterds is my no1 choice, Tarantino's movies of late have been pretty sub-standard but this film has brought him right back to the creative film director/producer that we all knew when Pulp Fiction/Resoviour Dogs were made, it's simply a welcome return to form

I know it's only 5 days into 2010 but I am looking forward to seeing Sherlock Holmes, it looks good from seeing the trailers and I am sure it won't disappoint

What are your choices?
Over the past few years I've gradually stopped going to the cinema, mainly due to cost but also due to the lack of original pictures being released. Regardless, there's been some movies this year that I've really liked, and I need to see Inglourious Basterds, I know I'll enjoy it.

Anyway, here's my list:

Friday the 13th (Remake) - I'm a HUGE Friday the 13th fan, and regardless of the fact this rehash was beyond weak it makes it onto my short list. Simply because Jason is the man.

Terminator Salvation - Didn't see what the big problem with this was... I thought it was pretty good. Nothing special, but again it makes it onto my short list. Bale was magnificent, you had to love the intense scene where he slipped into his 'Batman' voice/snarl :lol:

The Obama Deception - I've always been a fan of Alex Jones' work, and this was yet another well made film.

Drag Me to Hell - Great film. Went to the cinema to see this and had no idea what to expect. All I can say is it's great film... extremely well directed, and it's got Alison Lohman in (played McKenna in Nickelodeon's 'Tucker') who I had a MAJOR crush on back in the day :lol:

Dead Snow - My movie of 2009. If there are any horror movie fans reading this who haven't seen this movie, see it! It's fucking great, and trust me... I know my horror!!

As for 2010, I'm interested in seeing what's done with Clash of the Titans and Robin Hood... but I'm NOT interested in New Line Cinema and Michael Bay remaking yet another classic horror movie - A Nightmare on Elm Street. I'll go and see it though, just so I can see how much of a shit idea it was.
I honestly don't think I saw any 09 movies this year...........
That is all. :lol:
Over the past few years I've gradually stopped going to the cinema, mainly due to cost but also due to the lack of original pictures being released. Regardless, there's been some movies this year that I've really liked, and I need to see Inglourious Basterds, I know I'll enjoy it.

Anyway, here's my list:

Friday the 13th (Remake) - I'm a HUGE Friday the 13th fan, and regardless of the fact this rehash was beyond weak it makes it onto my short list. Simply because Jason is the man.

Terminator Salvation - Didn't see what the big problem with this was... I thought it was pretty good. Nothing special, but again it makes it onto my short list. Bale was magnificent, you had to love the intense scene where he slipped into his 'Batman' voice/snarl :lol:

The Obama Deception - I've always been a fan of Alex Jones' work, and this was yet another well made film.

Drag Me to Hell - Great film. Went to the cinema to see this and had no idea what to expect. All I can say is it's great film... extremely well directed, and it's got Alison Lohman in (played McKenna in Nickelodeon's 'Tucker') who I had a MAJOR crush on back in the day :lol:

Dead Snow - My movie of 2009. If there are any horror movie fans reading this who haven't seen this movie, see it! It's fucking great, and trust me... I know my horror!!

As for 2010, I'm interested in seeing what's done with Clash of the Titans and Robin Hood... but I'm NOT interested in New Line Cinema and Michael Bay remaking yet another classic horror movie - A Nightmare on Elm Street. I'll go and see it though, just so I can see how much of a shit idea it was.

Dead Snow as in the norwegian movie? You've seen it?
Well my choice is easily Basterds. I love Tarantino
Thought the hangover was a bit shit, had some good bits, but thought it was just quite shit.

DISTRICT 9 and MOON are the best films of the year. Inglorious basterds is up there as well, great film.

ive yet to see the hurt locker and up so they might be on the list when i see them. Anyone who says new moon will get a personal visit from me with an added bonus of a massive leg sweep.
the only one's I've seen have been Public Enemies, Sherlock Holmes & Avatar, and the first was the best, but Holmes was right there. I'll be seeing Bastards at the university dollar theater.

oh and this...
Thought the hangover was a bit shit, had some good bits, but thought it was just quite shit.

DISTRICT 9 and MOON are the best films of the year. Inglorious basterds is up there as well, great film.

ive yet to see the hurt locker and up so they might be on the list when i see them. Anyone who says new moon will get a personal visit from me with an added bonus of a massive leg sweep.

I never got around to seeing Moon, going to buy it on dvd I think. It looked fantastic.
I don't really watch films that much, and if I do, they are normally quite old.

But the ones I remember enjoying this year were Zombieland, The Obama Deception and Låt Den Rätte Komma In (Let The Right One In, came out in 2008 in Sweden but didn't come over here until 2009 so I'm counting it)
District 9 - at the beginning of the movie I thought it was kinda cheesey, but by the end it quickly became my favorite, and end up liking the beginning all over. Awesome I Say!