THE metal event of 2009


Henri Serton
Staff member
Aug 31, 2001
Eindhoven; Rockcity!
Please NAME ONLY ONE. It can be small or big. It may have happed up close and personal, you started a band, or in the metal world at large.

Again; only NAME ONE metal event of 2009. Not two ONLY ONE.

I pondered about this and the first thing that came to mind was Dio being sick. However; I chose not to name that event. First because I think it will play out in 2010. Second I wanted to name something positive like Dio being declared completely cured of cancer. Either positive or negative the news about Dio will be more important in 2010

Sooo what then?

Well, for me its the album I most anticipated. Its the come back of a band that was away for four years. And when they came back they were more popular and bigger than ever.

I saw them for the first time ever last year at the Graspop festival and I have never been more blown away by a bands performance.

For me the metal event of 2009 is....

The comeback album of Immortal "All Shall Fall"!

Looking forward to hear the other choices.
This may not sound as "eventful" as some others, but I believe it was important for metal in general: The release of Iron Maiden's Flight 666 on DVD and CD.
1) Because any Maiden release is going to attract some attention.
2) The release was a success - especially the DVD. Which is saying A LOT in the current musical climate.
3) It was a VERY good release from a very important tour that many here on the board attended (myself included).
I'll go with two - one wide and one personal.
Metal Community: Anvil. These guys go from playing around for 20 years to little fanfare to become huge stars with a music story which has reached an incredibly wide audience (They've been on Conan, opened for ACDC, etc.)
Personal: Prog Power USA. Saw a few bands I've been waiting most of my life to see and I got to meet about a dozen regulars from UMOS.
Heaven & Hell new studio album. It had been 14 years since last Black Sabbath album, finally resulting in the improbable studio album reunion with Dio & BS.
Even if I bought more albums than I thought initially, 2009 hasn't been a good year for many things both personally and for people close to me. So curiously the BEST thing that happened to me this accursed year was related to music:


I am and always be very grateful to had been able to made that pilgramage to Atlanta and share with my siblings here from UMOS and other great people. Were 3.2 days of music, sharing, friendship, togetherness, a sense of being alive and belonging. So most definitively that was THE event of 2009.
George Lynch reuniting with Oni Logan.

This combination that 19+ years ago brought us the "12 deep" masterpiece Wicked Sensation, has now given us a "baker's dozen" of tracks that most likely will be one of my top 3 albums of this decade.
Heaven and Hell in Vancouver. A perfect summer's evening of real heavy metal. Obviously disregarding the opening act.

Now, PPX is getting some mention. In hindsight it was a let down. Primal Fear were incredible but there were too many filler bands beforehand to make it an enjoyable night. Fates Warning had little or no energy and Crimson Glory would have been better served just having Wade sing for the night. DSO? Crap plain and simple.

Otherwise, everything seemed to be off. Security didn't really understand the concept of the Gold Badge, the vendors & volunteers were miserable and the one guy selling t-shirts was dumb as mud. Maybe one needs to be blindingly drunk to get through the day? The first time was great but twice was enough. At any rate, glad people enjoyed it. I didn't and will be spending my metal $ elsewhere in 2010.
Now, PPX is getting some mention. In hindsight it was a let down. Primal Fear were incredible but there were too many filler bands beforehand to make it an enjoyable night. Fates Warning had little or no energy and Crimson Glory would have been better served just having Wade sing for the night. DSO? Crap plain and simple.

Otherwise, everything seemed to be off. Security didn't really understand the concept of the Gold Badge, the vendors & volunteers were miserable and the one guy selling t-shirts was dumb as mud. Maybe one needs to be blindingly drunk to get through the day? The first time was great but twice was enough. At any rate, glad people enjoyed it. I didn't and will be spending my metal $ elsewhere in 2010.

Shame to hear. I think there could have been improvements, but by and large I had a fantastic time, especially since my friend had to bail on me the first day.

Fates, I knew exactly what to expect given their live in Athens DVD. Plus the guys are getting older. More audience interaction would have helped though. They played the 3 songs I came to hear so I left satisfied. Mindcrime were amazing and one of the hilights, Primal Fear - awesome, but I also really enjoyed Enchant that night. Never saw DSO.
Must have been Dream Theater at the Prog Nation tour. I'm not a fan of their latest albums, but that was a hell of a show; visually stunning and the sound was crystal clear. Choice of songs was perfect, etc......
It has been a dismal year ... havnt really been able to buy many new albums so I will say my Metal event of the year would be .... drum roll please .... waking up to a phone call from Joey Demaio and Eric Adams ... it was just such a genuinely kind gesture that I will never forget
Now, PPX is getting some mention. In hindsight it was a let down. Primal Fear were incredible but there were too many filler bands beforehand to make it an enjoyable night. Fates Warning had little or no energy and Crimson Glory would have been better served just having Wade sing for the night. DSO? Crap plain and simple.

Otherwise, everything seemed to be off. Security didn't really understand the concept of the Gold Badge, the vendors & volunteers were miserable and the one guy selling t-shirts was dumb as mud. Maybe one needs to be blindingly drunk to get through the day? The first time was great but twice was enough. At any rate, glad people enjoyed it. I didn't and will be spending my metal $ elsewhere in 2010.

I don't blame you, the camera issue still bothering me (and the attitude of many people in the PPUSA forum). But maybe your espectations were a bit high, did you atended other years?

Because for me likewise in 2006, security, vendors, bars, people all were flawless to me. I don't have a single complaint, I was able to have pics taken with the guys of Sabaton, and the signing sessions were smooth.

Yes there were fillers, but that will be in any given year. In 2006 I went only for Savage Circus and Jorn, and got Leatherwolf as a great unexpected bonus, but can't recall any other band that played then.

This year even if I wasn't interested, both Enchant and Royal Hunt did pretty well onstage, Primal Fear and Sabaton made the festival :notworthy, Cage did it well too for me, and the rest I just skip them by choice (as a promise to Bryant I did passed through Pagan's Mind and Brainstorm sit next to PM74, but neither band pick my interest).

Next year I have at least four bands I want to see, do I'm gonna go? I don't know yet, the economic situation probably won't let me. I'll see way past June next year, if tickets are still available and money too I will try to go if not I have great memories from PPVII and PPX.
Prog Power USA X for me, too.

And I personally LOVED DSO's set this past September. I like a curveball of weird stuff at this fest. People were bitching about Freak Kitchen without them playing a note, 2 appearances later, I'd say they're fan favorites, much like Evergrey are/were. I can't wait for DSO & FK to come BACK to Atlanta! :rock:
Lots of cool runner ups for me, good shows I saw etc.(Enslaved, finally!) but if I have to choose one, it's Mastodon's Crack The Skye. Definitely an album that works its way into my all time top 10, which includes albums like Number of the Beast, Master of Puppets, etc. I expected a lot from them this time out, and I believe they lived up to the hype. An accessible yet heavy album, with tons of heart and hooks, and enough riffs to kill a rhino. Great artwork, great story, great everything. Also got the chance to see them play it from beginning to end, but it's the album that takes the years top honors for me.
Yes. I was there for PPIX and it was better. I don't think PP will survive past PPXII unless there is a different person running it. The attitude will just alienate people.

Speaking of the attitude, the forum is the promoter's kingdom. So, there are those who will just post to please. I'm sure he needs the ego boost to make up for all the visa/band failures.

As a customer, I chose to comment of rather piss poor behaviour being exhibited by said promoter. He encouraged everyone on his forum to bully a forum member who was a bootlegger. Yes bootlegging is bad but the King handled it wrong.

Originally Posted by Harvester
I honestly had to chuckle at the pompous absurdity of you calling me out.

I work my ass off year after year for this show. It's my passion. I WANT to enjoy my own show. I want to sit down and relax during the sets and enjoy my passion for music. I have been doing that with less frequency over the past years because I have to deal with people who disrespect me and break a simple rule that I have had in place for years.

One thing that people forget is that this is not a public forum nor is the festival a free public performance. This is my house and this is my festival. If you don't like what happens here in my house, don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.

Sycophantic followups:

Perfect answer. Loved it! Follow the rules or get the fuck out. What is the difficulty in understanding this concept?

My excuse would be that belittling this guy <the bootlegger> to this point makes my e-cock rock hard... but that's just me...

The bootlegger and the customer are now painted with the same brush. I'm going to chuckle when the first band replacements start getting announced in 2010. Their asses won't even make it to the door of Glenn's house. As for mine, it was already on the way out to bigger and better metal shows.


I don't blame you, the camera issue still bothering me (and the attitude of many people in the PPUSA forum). But maybe your espectations were a bit high, did you atended other years?

Because for me likewise in 2006, security, vendors, bars, people all were flawless to me. I don't have a single complaint, I was able to have pics taken with the guys of Sabaton, and the signing sessions were smooth.

Yes there were fillers, but that will be in any given year. In 2006 I went only for Savage Circus and Jorn, and got Leatherwolf as a great unexpected bonus, but can't recall any other band that played then.

This year even if I wasn't interested, both Enchant and Royal Hunt did pretty well onstage, Primal Fear and Sabaton made the festival :notworthy, Cage did it well too for me, and the rest I just skip them by choice (as a promise to Bryant I did passed through Pagan's Mind and Brainstorm sit next to PM74, but neither band pick my interest).

Next year I have at least four bands I want to see, do I'm gonna go? I don't know yet, the economic situation probably won't let me. I'll see way past June next year, if tickets are still available and money too I will try to go if not I have great memories from PPVII and PPX.
I dunno, I don't agree with the way he handled it (posting the guy's info and all that stuff - why not do that with every bootlegger then?), but as he said, rules are rules.

Promoting a show of this magnitude is a huge undertaking and I doubt he gets very little time to actually sit down and enjoy the performances, especially with bullshit like this going on.
may not mean much to anyone else...but when i opened for suspyre in philly.

I think is a big thing actually :kickass:. I didn't knew who Suspyre was until you mentioned months ago that Steadfast was opening for them. Then they play at PPX, so I think that opening for a such a band it is a huge event for someone like you and therefore it is way :cool: that you put it as the event of 2009.

Keep us posted about Steadfast, and keep posting about everything else you want too :rock:
Not many metal shows this year here in Indy. But here are some of my highlights.
Suffocation 10APR09 at the Emerson Theater then Cattle Decapitation on 21APR09.
Seeing bands like Obscura, Acheron, Abyssmal Dawn etc at Zanies Too before the ownership told chuck the sound guy no more extreme metal shows there.
Seeing a reunited Ice Nine band play 2 shows this past summer was nice.
Rockstar Mayhem show in July with Behemoth, Cannibal Corpse, JFAC, Slayer etc was a fun experience.
Damn I forgot about the Templars Of Doom Fest at the melody inn with TGOS, Lair Of The Minotaur, Odruin and so forth in May.
New Heaven And Hell, Immortal and Gorgoroth cds were a plus. That's about it.

Seeing CROWBAR a couple times...once with EYEHATEGOD, once with GOATWHORE. And another show when they played with no other bands...

CROWBAR is one of my fave bands.