what were the best movies of 2007? and most anticipated for '08?

just stumbled upon a great indie dvd store in my travels around the city ... i miss going to a great video store and choosing movies.

netflix is great and all, but just like cd's its great to see all the movies in front of you. indie and foreign films specifically usually have great artworks
The vantage point of that film is what turned me off the most from the previews. It seems like it would be rather obnoxious to have shaky, Blair Witch style camera work throughout the film. Hopefully I'm wrong.
just stumbled upon a great indie dvd store in my travels around the city ... i miss going to a great video store and choosing movies.

netflix is great and all, but just like cd's its great to see all the movies in front of you. indie and foreign films specifically usually have great artworks

Glad to hear this. I love small indie video stores. I still see them from time to time. I've always hated Cockduster and their big-box brethren.
The vantage point of that film is what turned me off the most from the previews. It seems like it would be rather obnoxious to have shaky, Blair Witch style camera work throughout the film. Hopefully I'm wrong.

That's what a lot of people have been saying. I'm sure it won't be that bad though.