What were the stupidest things you ever asked the Nintendo Game Play counselors?


Nov 9, 2001
1) I called to ask what the correct pronunciation of 'Gaiden' ala Ninja Gaiden was.

2) I called to ask why on the back of the Wizards and Warriors box, in the castle stage, Kuros is shown walkng to the right of the entrance, when in the actual game you could only walk left... I was wondering if there was osme secret part of the stage or something... not realizing that the photograph was just reversed.

3) I called to ask where the 'scroll' was in Wizards and Warriors. In the instruction book, under the list of items you could get, there is a 'scroll' listed, but it's not anywhere in the game. If you have played this game, you know why this is a stupid question.
if you were a young boy growing up in the late 80's/early 90's i think it was a rite of passage to call the nintendo line. i myslef only called a handful of times just because my aprents got mad at me for running up the phone bill.
Dude, we called the Nintendo Game Counselors AT LEAST thirty times. I would say a good half of the calls were for stupid shit we took too literally (see FuSoYa's three), but in our defence, we NEVER called saying anything like "Frankenstein is too hard, WHAT IS A STRATEGY TO BEAT HIM?!"

4) "What does Dracula's ring do in Castlevania II?"
5) "What do you mean, nothing?!"
I think you called to boast about developing the "Quick Trick", as if the counselor was going hang up and immediately get on the horn to NINTENDO POWER and be like "Stop the presses! A ten-year-old from Connecticut has uncovered AN ACTUAL USE FOR FLASHMAN'S POWER!"
Josh, just because you're culturally crippled doesn't mean we have to hear about it every time the subject comes up. Jeez, it's like trying to have a nice Bible study and some heathen starts whining dumb things about not believing in Jesus and why are you having a Bible study during math class in a public school anyway and you just have to swat him with a paddle.
I remember calling them up a few times, but I forgot what my questions were. I'm pretty sure I asked how to get past a part in Castlevania II (which isn't easy to beat without a FAQ even nowadays) and I know I asked something about Zelda II.
I think one call I made involving Zelda II was something like "You know how when you die it says GANON HAS RETURNED and then at the end of the game you have to fight Ganon well if you don't die at ALL then what happens at the end of the game?"

I totally wasted my parents' money all the time.