What will get me a better guitar sound?


Apr 17, 2009
pre-amp out from my mesa triple rec + impulses...or my podx3 with some impulses?

I'm having this major issue atm with a lack of satisfaction from what I CAN achieve with the gear i've got already and what i'm actually getting. I've also been listening out more for bass in mixes to try and get the right balance.

Could anyone post me a raw clip of JUST 2 guitar tracks - hard right and left with only pre-amp out + an impulse or a pod + impulse just so I can hear what i should be aiming for...and then show me what they have in a mix for context? thanks :)
1st option would be better...
remember that the bass will always complement your guitar tone, so i think u should have a bass line going to check your tone tweaking
1st option would be better...
remember that the bass will always complement your guitar tone, so i think u should have a bass line going to check your tone tweaking


guitar + bass = schlong + nuts

no or weak bass = no or weak nuts.

Explicit but expressive. Now don't get all emo and call me indecent.

A better guitar.

-The Brood

I've gotten hella mileage out of my 5150 mkII plus a CHEAP ass Schecter.
£220. Total budget shit man.
You can always make you current shit sound better IMO.

Every time I think I've hit the wall with my gear, I come back to it a weak later and I make it sound better than ever.
and yeah but what if I record guitar before bass? or is that what i'm doing wrong?
if u reamp you´re set..if not, it depends of what you´re playing.
i think u need to experiment a lot to see what fits better but i´d say get a bass di´ed and with some eq and strat from there...
that said u´ve got the schlong + nuts but there´s always something missing, so get som drum loops going on also...check the guitar tone competition files for example
the context is the big picture notthe guitar in isolation
Well maybe if you record in clean then find the EQ and tone and etc you think is very sexy and then do it "outside the box"? Example : You realize that the 1000 frequency rocks and the I don't know... the 488 sucks. When you record the guitar tracks with the distortion afterwards you have a much better idea what to boost and what to remove. Just a thought. Like that you can record in whatever order and maybe the 1st result will not be uber sexy but you will learn a lot? Dunno. :p
IMO with POD you can get awesome sounds just check out joeymusicguy production like Oceano and you will see what I`m talking about
but they all sound so fizzy...and shit....

they don't all sound fizzy..........or at least not what most people around here seem to mean by fizz.


Myself i wasn't impressed by many of the tones either, but then i just don't like most of them because most use impulses and i'm just never convinced by the palm mutes