What will women look like 10 years from now?!?

lurch70 said:
so, there is this thin spanish chic at the bank ... that I always exchanged weird glances with over the last 6 months or so ... and today she just totally giggled and flirted with me, blatantly ... this shit is just uncalled for when you have a girlfriend.
these are the times when i believe there is a God ... and he is just totally fucking with me ... because it never happens when I am single.
Claws of Perdition said:

nuff said.

im totally getting one of those!
So you are saying that based on every experience Ive ever had and what Ive run into makes me not know shit?? And no Im not 15, Im 24. And I hate emo. Dude youre fucking younger than I am by 2 years. Women always want something in the end, they manipulate to get what they want. If youve been around the girls Ive been around and their mothers and the way ive seen women just completely break men down into shadows of their former selves then maybe youd understand what I am talking about and until then I dont think its relevant to say my opinion is shit. Hence the word opinion as in my views. This last generation of girls are being raised by a generation of women who went through the womens liberation movement and basically want to be men or be as powerfull as a man and try to make us feel bad for things that weve never done to them. I live with one, Ive dated several , and been friends with many. This generation of women is mostly fucked in the head and confused. Most women have this new found power of not having to stay at home, go out and work and have a say so and they really dont know what to do with it but go on a power trip and make everyone feel that wrath.

Well, at least you backed down as far as saying 'most women' this time round. But seriously, if every woman you have ever run into is truly the way you say they are, then I'm sorry you live in a parallel universe where all women are slavering, evil, emotionally manipulative women's lib fanatics.
slightly related: I am obsessed with the thought that everyone stunk prior to the days of running water. Imagine having sex with someone who A) hadn't bathed in weeks and B) had little means of shaving their huge bush.
@dorian: if you're looking to recreate it perhaps you'd like to swing by your local liberal arts college :lol:

hippie chicks that don't shave = :ill:

dill_the_devil said:
Well, at least you backed down as far as saying 'most women' this time round. But seriously, if every woman you have ever run into is truly the way you say they are, then I'm sorry you live in a parallel universe where all women are slavering, evil, emotionally manipulative women's lib fanatics.
:tickled: indeed
But seriously, if every woman you have ever run into is truly the way you say they are, then I'm sorry you live in a parallel universe where all women are slavering, evil, emotionally manipulative women's lib fanatics.[/QUOTE]

Well then you should because this is seriously where ive met all the women I know. Oh as far as the fleshlight goes..well I dont think so, Id be affraid id get to going to fast and something on the inside would cut my dick. Maybe they could use that in the next saw movie.
cthulufhtagn said:
@dorian: if you're looking to recreate it perhaps you'd like to swing by your local liberal arts college :lol:
ah yes, I recall a friend describing the students of Antioch as being proud to be filthy. I was more thinking along the lines of the days of westward expansion. blech!
According to my initial calculations, 10 years from now the majority of women will look approximately a decade older. I hope this is of some help to the OP
this thread is gold. Only opened it today.

Jerry -- pleeeease finish the opening post with 90's -> 00's. I hang on to every word you type, seriously.

By the way, although the original 70's chicks might only rank 6/10 today, I have to say, I really like the retro look. I like the heels, pencil skirts....the whole classy side of it all.

Bear in mind, I also believe bikinis + heels > naked + bunions :loco:

Slutty is ok. When I was in Atlanta last summer, you'd still see chicks walking about with low cut jeans and the top of their thongs sticking out. I guess Georgia is about 10 years behind the rest of the country in terms of fashion.