What would be the best feeling in the world?

Originally posted by metalmancpa
Under the covers with satin sheets and many blankets, cuddling with your significant other


I would love that, and I would never come out from under those covers except to use the restroom and bathe... but I'd bathe with my beautiful lady, have her in between my legs in a bubble bath and scrub her back, or just lie there in the warm bubbly water with her head on my chest and resting my eyes, even dozing off... not a care in the world...... blisssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Having a Girlfriend or a Girl who really liked me would probably be a nice feeling....hasn't really happened yet. It was nice feeling for the few dates that I was on, but they were pretty icy bitches, so it wasn't all that great in the end. Hurt more than it felt good.
Originally posted by Blood On My Hands
I don't know about you guys...but I'd kill for a turkey and ham sandwich in one hand, and a nice big set of tits in the other. That's heaven...
like George on Seinfeld :)